Slots for offer

Looking for PTs

Any 5 slots (except special tier) for 3 / 1 set

Female - Runner - Duveteux

Long Ears - Tailless - Pupilless Eyes

Calico Bleached Maroon with Vitiligo Tanspots and Ray  

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Only needs: Journey, Loyalty 

Female - Puller - Friese

Vulpes Ears - Tailless - Round Eyes 

Pointed Collared Dusted Brown with Eyespot and Roan 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Male - Puller - Lisse

Long Ears - Brush Tail - Feline Eyes 

Dappled Sooty Freckled Oriental Vanilla with Vitiligo

Carrier: Geode 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Puller - Lisse

Long Loopy Ears - Reptile Tail - Feline Eyes 

Oriental Beurre with Dragon Avias and Eyespot 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Puller - Lisse

Bear Ears - Bob Tail - Round Eyes 

Latte with Rorschach 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Male - Runner - Lisse

Silken Ears - Fox Tail - Goat Eyes

Somatic Chocolate with Hooded Skunk Tanspots Vulpine and Orange Glint 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Male - Puller - Lisse

Draco Ears - Brush Tail - Round Eyes 

Rimmed Mottled Sable Banded Sepia with Leucism Badger and Caribou

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Puller - Lisse

Vulpes Ears - Feline Tail - Goat Eyes

Barred Freckled Striped Pangare Splash Chocolate 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Runner - Lisse

Dumbo Ears - Brush Tail - Goat Eyes

Merle Denim with Pangare Avias Eyespot and Runes

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Only needs: Journey, Loyalty

Female - Puller - Duveteux

Bear Ears - Stump Tail - Feline Eyes 

Alternating Oriental Masked Fleabitten Pointed Shadow with Agama 

Carrier: Owl

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Runner - Lisse

Vupes Ears - Tailless - Feline Eyes

Sable Snowflake Steel with Mist Runes and Underbelly

Carrier: Phantom

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Runner - Duveteux

Rodent Ears - Puff Tail - Goat Eyes

Fewspot Toasted Apricot with Avias 

Carrier: Ghost

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Female - Runner - Lisse

Vulpes Ears - Bob Tail - Goat Eyes

Dappled Sunburn // Dappled Sooty Oat with Vitiligo 

5/5 slots available upon PoB certification

Special tier | Haedian

1 slot for 25 CP/2 ARs

Female - Haedian - Friese

Large Draco Ears - Persian Tail - Round Eyes

Blotched Bleached Dusted Sea Moss with Agama Alternating Snowflake and Sea Moss Glint

5/5 slots available

Fancy tier

2 slots for 1 AR/Core

Paramount | until X slots available


Female - Runner - Lisse

Draco Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Pupilless Eyes 

Smoked Bleached Coin with Avias Eyespots Runes and Orange Glint  

PARAMOUNT slots available

Male - Puller - Friese

Long Ears - Tailless - Feline Eyes

Fleabitten Oriental Dusted Bleached Pink with Bloodmark Leucism and Pangare

Carrier: Spectrum

Passive carrier: Neon

2/5 slots available


Male - Runner - Lisse

Silken Ears - Feline Tail - Feline Eyes

Dusted Oriental Midnight with Sable Snowflake Mist and Turquoise Glint

2/5 slots available

Female - Runner - Friese

Sonar Ears - Medium Tail - Feline Eyes 

Fleabitten Oriental Cheeky Outlined Shadow with Tobiano 

2/5 slots available

Regular tier

3 slots for 1 AR/Core // 1 slot for 7 CP

Paramount | until X slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Vulpes Ears - Medium Tail - Feline Eyes 

Opalescent Bleached Masked Fawn  

PARAMOUNT slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Silken Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Goat Eyes 

Barred Inked Nightshade with Agama Phoenix and Eyespots

PARAMOUNT slots available


Male - Runner - Friese

Dumbo Ears - Bob Tail - Feline eyes 

Masked Fishscaled Shadow with Rosettes  

10/15 slots available

Male - Runner - Friese

Bear Ears - Whip Tail - Feline Eyes

Masked Abyss with Underbelly

15/15 slots available


Male - Runner - Lisse

Vulpes Ears - Base Brush Tail - Feline Eyes 

Dappled Akhal Gold with Pangare and Ray 

5/5 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Long Ears - Base Brush Tail - Round Eyes 

Dusted Sable Sabino Peach with Pangare Underbelly and Vitiligo 

2/5 slots available

Female - Puller - Friese

Vulpes Ears - Tailless - Round Eyes 

Freckled Tabby Dusted Aquamarine with Stockings

5/5 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Bear Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes

Sable Dusted Vert with Underbelly and Glasswork  

5/5 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Fluffed Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes 

Dusted Python Shadow with Melanism Pangare and Sand Glint 

2/5 slots available

Male - Runner - Lisse

Draco Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Goat Eyes 

Sable Oriental Pointed Gingerbread with Okapi and Socks

5/5 slots available

Male - Puller - Lisse

Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Round Eyes

Bleached Wolf Oriental Freckled Sepia with Pangare 

5/5 slots available

Male - Runner - Lisse

Sonar Ears - Bob Tail - Feline Eyes

Oriental Sable Aegis with Current Underbelly and Diamond

5/5 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Bear Ears - Brush Tail - Goat Eyes 

Marbled Fleabitten Vert with Tobiano 

5/5 slots available

Trash tier

5 slots for 1 AR/Core // 1 slot for 4 CP

Paramount | until X slots available

Male - Puller - Duveteux

Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Feline Eyes

Freckled Fleabitten Silver with Ciel Glint 

PARAMOUNT slots available

Male - Runner - Lisse

Long Draco Ears - Feline Tail - Goat Eyes

Sable Coin with Melanism Dun and Pistachio Glint 

PARAMOUNT slots available

Male - Runner - Lisse

Silken Ears - Base Brush Tail - Goat Eyes

Oriental Freckled Bubblegum with Ray

PARAMOUNT slots available

Recognized to Noble

Male - Puller - Lisse

Loopy Ears - Stump Tail - Round Eyes

Chocolate with Blackout

10/15 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Silken Ears - Base Brush Tail - Round Eyes

Striped Fewspot Cherry

10/15 slots available

Female - Runner - Lisse

Bear Ears - Equine Tail - Feline Eyes

Dappled Oriental Cerulean with Tobiano 

21/25 slots available


Female - Puller - Lisse

Bear Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes

Sable Pecan with Genie

5/5 slots available

Overview: Rares

Dappled Akhal Gold with Pangare and Ray 

5/5 slots available

Sable Dusted Vert with Underbelly and Glasswork  

5/5 slots available

Bleached Lilac with Leviathan and Pangare 

Coming soon

Opalescent Bleached Masked Fawn  

PARAMOUNT slots available

Sable Pecan with Genie

5/5 slots available

Chocolate with Blackout

10/15 slots available

Latte with Rorschach 

Needs PTs

Bear Ears - Whip Tail - Feline Eyes

15/15 slots available

Overview: Paramounts

Smoked Bleached Coin with Avias Eyespots Runes and Orange Glint  

Barred Inked Nightshade with Agama Phoenix and Eyespots

Opalescent Bleached Masked Fawn  

Freckled Fleabitten Silver with Ciel Glint 

Sable Coin with Melanism Dun and Pistachio Glint 

Oriental Freckled Bubblegum with Ray

Coming soon

Male - Runner - Lisse

Draco Ears - Equine Tail - Round Eyes 

Sooty Flaxen Dappled Beurre with Pangare Ray and Vitiligo

Returning soon!

(Next level: Exemplar)

Female - Puller - Lisse

Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Round Eyes

Inked Charcoal with Bloodmark Tanspots and Mist 

Returning soon!

(Next level: Exemplar)

Male - Puller - Lisse

Vulpes Ears - Equine Tail - Pupilless Eyes

Pebbled Oriental Shadow with dom!Underbelly Ray and Vulpine

Carrier: Quake

Coming soon!

Female - Runner - Lisse

Bear Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Round Eyes 

Masked Leopard Barred Freckled Ciel 

Coming soon!

Male - Puller - Lisse

Long Ears - Brush Tail - Round Eyes

Bleached Lilac with Leviathan and Pangare 

Coming eventually RIP


0/5 slots