Slots for offer
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Very rare
Looking for PTs
Any 5 slots (except special tier) for 3 / 1 set
Female - Runner - Duveteux
Long Ears - Tailless - Pupilless Eyes
Calico Bleached Maroon with Vitiligo Tanspots and Ray
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Puller - Friese
Vulpes Ears - Tailless - Round Eyes
Pointed Collared Dusted Brown with Eyespot and Roan
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Male - Puller - Lisse
Long Ears - Brush Tail - Feline Eyes
Dappled Sooty Freckled Oriental Vanilla with Vitiligo
Carrier: Geode
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Puller - Lisse
Long Loopy Ears - Reptile Tail - Feline Eyes
Oriental Beurre with Dragon Avias and Eyespot
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Puller - Lisse
Bear Ears - Bob Tail - Round Eyes
Latte with Rorschach
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Male - Runner - Lisse
Silken Ears - Fox Tail - Goat Eyes
Somatic Chocolate with Hooded Skunk Tanspots Vulpine and Orange Glint
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Male - Puller - Lisse
Draco Ears - Brush Tail - Round Eyes
Rimmed Mottled Sable Banded Sepia with Leucism Badger and Caribou
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Puller - Lisse
Vulpes Ears - Feline Tail - Goat Eyes
Barred Freckled Striped Pangare Splash Chocolate
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Runner - Lisse
Dumbo Ears - Brush Tail - Goat Eyes
Merle Denim with Pangare Avias Eyespot and Runes
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Puller - Duveteux
Bear Ears - Stump Tail - Feline Eyes
Alternating Oriental Masked Fleabitten Pointed Shadow with Agama
Carrier: Owl
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Runner - Lisse
Vupes Ears - Tailless - Feline Eyes
Sable Snowflake Steel with Mist Runes and Underbelly
Carrier: Phantom
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Runner - Duveteux
Rodent Ears - Puff Tail - Goat Eyes
Fewspot Toasted Apricot with Avias
Carrier: Ghost
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Female - Runner - Lisse
Vulpes Ears - Bob Tail - Goat Eyes
Dappled Sunburn // Dappled Sooty Oat with Vitiligo
5/5 slots available upon PoB certification
Special tier | Haedian
1 slot for 25 CP/2 ARs
Female - Haedian - Friese
Large Draco Ears - Persian Tail - Round Eyes
Blotched Bleached Dusted Sea Moss with Agama Alternating Snowflake and Sea Moss Glint
5/5 slots available
Fancy tier
2 slots for 1 AR/Core
Paramount | until X slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Draco Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Pupilless Eyes
Smoked Bleached Coin with Avias Eyespots Runes and Orange Glint
PARAMOUNT slots available
Male - Puller - Friese
Long Ears - Tailless - Feline Eyes
Fleabitten Oriental Dusted Bleached Pink with Bloodmark Leucism and Pangare
Carrier: Spectrum
Passive carrier: Neon
2/5 slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Silken Ears - Feline Tail - Feline Eyes
Dusted Oriental Midnight with Sable Snowflake Mist and Turquoise Glint
2/5 slots available
Female - Runner - Friese
Sonar Ears - Medium Tail - Feline Eyes
Fleabitten Oriental Cheeky Outlined Shadow with Tobiano
2/5 slots available
Regular tier
3 slots for 1 AR/Core // 1 slot for 7 CP
Paramount | until X slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Vulpes Ears - Medium Tail - Feline Eyes
Opalescent Bleached Masked Fawn
PARAMOUNT slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Silken Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Goat Eyes
Barred Inked Nightshade with Agama Phoenix and Eyespots
PARAMOUNT slots available
Male - Runner - Friese
Dumbo Ears - Bob Tail - Feline eyes
Masked Fishscaled Shadow with Rosettes
10/15 slots available
Male - Runner - Friese
Bear Ears - Whip Tail - Feline Eyes
Masked Abyss with Underbelly
15/15 slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Vulpes Ears - Base Brush Tail - Feline Eyes
Dappled Akhal Gold with Pangare and Ray
5/5 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Long Ears - Base Brush Tail - Round Eyes
Dusted Sable Sabino Peach with Pangare Underbelly and Vitiligo
2/5 slots available
Female - Puller - Friese
Vulpes Ears - Tailless - Round Eyes
Freckled Tabby Dusted Aquamarine with Stockings
5/5 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Bear Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes
Sable Dusted Vert with Underbelly and Glasswork
5/5 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Fluffed Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes
Dusted Python Shadow with Melanism Pangare and Sand Glint
2/5 slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Draco Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Goat Eyes
Sable Oriental Pointed Gingerbread with Okapi and Socks
5/5 slots available
Male - Puller - Lisse
Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Round Eyes
Bleached Wolf Oriental Freckled Sepia with Pangare
5/5 slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Sonar Ears - Bob Tail - Feline Eyes
Oriental Sable Aegis with Current Underbelly and Diamond
5/5 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Bear Ears - Brush Tail - Goat Eyes
Marbled Fleabitten Vert with Tobiano
5/5 slots available
Trash tier
5 slots for 1 AR/Core // 1 slot for 4 CP
Paramount | until X slots available
Male - Puller - Duveteux
Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Feline Eyes
Freckled Fleabitten Silver with Ciel Glint
PARAMOUNT slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Long Draco Ears - Feline Tail - Goat Eyes
Sable Coin with Melanism Dun and Pistachio Glint
PARAMOUNT slots available
Male - Runner - Lisse
Silken Ears - Base Brush Tail - Goat Eyes
Oriental Freckled Bubblegum with Ray
PARAMOUNT slots available
Recognized to Noble
Male - Puller - Lisse
Loopy Ears - Stump Tail - Round Eyes
Chocolate with Blackout
10/15 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Silken Ears - Base Brush Tail - Round Eyes
Striped Fewspot Cherry
10/15 slots available
Female - Runner - Lisse
Bear Ears - Equine Tail - Feline Eyes
Dappled Oriental Cerulean with Tobiano
21/25 slots available
Female - Puller - Lisse
Bear Ears - Medium Tail - Round Eyes
Sable Pecan with Genie
5/5 slots available
Overview: Rares
Overview: Paramounts
Coming soon
Male - Runner - Lisse
Draco Ears - Equine Tail - Round Eyes
Sooty Flaxen Dappled Beurre with Pangare Ray and Vitiligo
Returning soon!
(Next level: Exemplar)
Female - Puller - Lisse
Bear Ears - Feline Tail - Round Eyes
Inked Charcoal with Bloodmark Tanspots and Mist
Returning soon!
(Next level: Exemplar)
Male - Puller - Lisse
Vulpes Ears - Equine Tail - Pupilless Eyes
Pebbled Oriental Shadow with dom!Underbelly Ray and Vulpine
Carrier: Quake
Coming soon!
Female - Runner - Lisse
Bear Ears - Short Tuft Tail - Round Eyes
Masked Leopard Barred Freckled Ciel
Coming soon!
Male - Puller - Lisse
Long Ears - Brush Tail - Round Eyes
Bleached Lilac with Leviathan and Pangare
Coming eventually RIP