Genos for offer
Looking at any offers!
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1 - Female
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nDsk/nEmr/nGe/nHz/WW
Phenotype: Brown with dusky points, ember, geode, haze
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard
1 - Male
Genotype: EE/Ss/KK+C/nDsk/nGe/nHd/nVo/nWt/Wwh
Phenotype: Stone with dusky points, geode, hood, void, washout
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard
Secondary Horns: Thorn
2 - Female
Genotype: EE/SS/KK/nBr/nDsk/nEmr/nHz/nHd/nIt/nPn/nSb/nVp/nVo/Ww
Phenotype: Charcoal with barring, dusky points, ember, haze, hood, intensify, pangare, sable, vapor, void
Feather Type: Frizzle
Build: Danuoc