Zone Unknown

Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms I Percussion for Ritual and Dance I Sufi Stories & Contemplations with Emiliano in Pittsburgh & Online 



Emiliano's offerings in Pittsburgh aim to connect and welcome you to a safe space to process and fully express yourself while releasing blocks through the catalyst medium of Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms dynamic movement Map, Drumming and Sufi stories. Those mediums work for me, and so can work for anyone.


A different view of the world. As a former tour leader contractor, I was working on a job that took me to Khartoum - Sudan in late December 2018. On the end of a private tour, we took the clients to attend the Sufi sunset ceremony on the premises of the tomb of the respected teacher Hamid El-Nil. The colorful dervishes started spinning and chanting, and we were all taken into the vortex of the so called "Zikr" (practice of remembrance). Men, women, elders, children, One Field. One Energy. The Dervishes of the Sudan use a combination of spinning, drumming, singing and smoking to help induce a trance-like state to bring themselves closer to the Creator. As the pitch of this Frequency reached its peak, time vaporized, and I found myself moving and shaking my body without willing to do particularly so. It just happened; and felt liberating. While every bone i had kept grooving, I kept chanting sounds unknown to me that filled my chest with warmth and lightness. Zone Unknown, when the mind is such a little entity in front of the altar of the mighty flowing Life. I don't know what happened - I don't need to - what I knew is that there it was more to this view of the World than just Rumi poetry. Therefore, I started to study, do research and playing the frame drum (the signature percussion of the Sufi circles). 

Starting from the dust bowl of that sunset ceremony I ended up finding the books of Hazrat Inayat Khan, his son Pir Vilayat and the conferences of Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz. 

It is an ongoing process and I love it as much as it is ripe time to share with others.

Get out of your mind and descend to your Heart, and that is the exact reason why this is intertwined with the 5Rhythms practice.



Emiliano is a journeyman of reinvention and an ambassador of change. He has been on the dancing path since 2014 and is currently in the teacher-in-training of Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms® dynamic map and in its last year of his further education to become a cardiology RN. He is also a percussionist and sound artist. He is passionate about creating opportunities to connect at a deeper level with others, Nature, ground in the body and be free from a narrative that creates self-inflicted suffering. His approach is rooted in the universal language of rhythm and Life affirming every-day action. 

RHYTHM we make it Move

ROOTS we make them Real

RELEVANCE we make it True

RESPONSIBILITY we make it Universal

RITUAL we make it Holy

(Source: LIVEWIRE body of Work - Gabrielle Roth’s and Lorca Simons - The 5 R’s)

The map created by Gabrielle Roth holds the possibility to take us to the place where the mind is free from fluctuations and allow our heart's whispers to come forth. It is simple yet powerful.

Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms completely transformed my Life - and still are - in a way I could hardly imagine. The more I move, the more I am moved, and Life follows, unfolding in inexplicable ways. 

The 5Rhythms is the sanctuary where I have the chance to start anew, again and again. The dancefloor is the Dojo where I can practice my humanity without boundaries and remember to take it to the streets.

The door of this dance is always open, but to find yours, there is only one option: step in and start moving until the mind is tired and see what happens.

Come as you are with what you have. Let it move through you. Move on


Sufi Proverb