Bug Out Bag List

Here is a list of recommendations from Are You Ready host, Nick Pierce, the Barefoot Prepper, For more great tips and information listen to Are You Ready live Wednesdays at 7PM Eastern and on all popular podcast platforms.

Keep in mind, this list is to make you think of all the items you MAY want not everything you should have.

Before I talk about the BOB (Bug Out Bag) I want to go through a few mistakes that a lot make when starting off.

The biggest mistake made is

Mistake #1

This is how it works for many people building their first bug out bag. They surf the internet, read some great reviews and go to stores, then spend money on a large pack.

You think you found the perfect one. You play with all the buckles, straps, pouches, then, start cramming all kinds of stuff gathered from around your home into the bag.

Then either you don't have enough room or There’s a bunch of empty space in there. That leads to getting more stuff to fill the BOB. You shove all that stuff in there and then you can't lift it never mind do what you need it for. - walk hike, run for a distance to get away from any danger.

Here is what you should do- Gather all of your BOB gear first, then shop for a pack or bag that will contain it all, with perhaps a little room to spare. Buying the bag first leads to a supposed need to fill it, usually with supplies that aren’t worth the weight they add to the equation.

Mistake # 2- To much weight. The lighter your bug out bag is, the easier you’ll find it to carry for long distances. Start with just the absolute bare essentials and work up from there.

Mistake # 3- will you blend in or stand out? What environment are you bugging out in and think of your intentions. If you are going to take the woods off grid and do not want to be found bright pink may not be an option. However in an urban environment camouflage may stand out and draw unwanted attention.

What should you look for when you are ready to buy your bag?

Before you begin filling your bug out bag with all your survival gear and supplies, you need a high quality bug out bag. Make sure you get one with the following qualities:

• Made with thick, tough fabrics

• Includes a MOLLE system

• Has padded shoulder straps, a chest strap and/or padded hip support straps

• Water resistant or includes a shell

• High quality zippers and clips

• Includes a lot of pockets and compartments that can help keep you and your survival gear organized.

Bug Out Bag Gear

Once you’ve got your bug out bag, it’s time start filling your bag with survival gear.

Keep in mind this list is to make you think of all the items you MAY want not everything you should have. It is simply intended to provide you all the possibilities. Only you can decide what you will actually need in your bag. For example you may be great at building shelter, or may never need both matches, lighter, flint, tinder, and 12 other ways of making fire because you are a master fire builder. That and including everything on this list may result in you carrying a box truck on your back and that is not practical in any situation. You should pick and choose the gear and supplies that make the most sense and meets your needs.

So let the list begin---

1- Water and Hydration Tools You may want three separate ways to your water sources. Drinking contaminated water can make you severely sick and can even kill you. And you cannot carry all the water you’ll need. Think about filtering, collecting and boiling methods. Water straws are great along with a container to boil water.

2 – Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Your choice of water bottle matters to a degree depending on your level of experience. You can boil water in a plastic bottle if you have to but a metal one is best to start and since you have to carry one with you anyway, why not make SHTF easier in this scents because you have other obstetrical to overcome anyway. Boiling is the simplest way purify the water you find to ensure it’s safe to consume. So fill your stainless steel bottle today with safe, clean water and stash it in your bug out bag. That way you can start your bug out with a full bottle of clean water and then refill and boil/filter/purify as needed on your route.

3 – Water Purification Tablets

I am not a big fan of these at all, you may buy them, they will sit forever until you need them and you may never use them since they expire before you will ever remember you have them. However, the tablets treat water faster than boiling, and they allow you to purify on the go and keep moving. Plus they are extremely lightweight so that you won’t pay much of a weight penalty.

4 – Portable Water Filter

A good water filter will remove all the particulates from your water such as dirt or soot, but a great one will also remove most harmful bacteria as well. So you should pack a small portable water filter to clean your water and purify it too.

5- Bleach a small bottle of bleach can be used to purify water too. A drop per a pint will kill most bacteria and it can be used for other sanitation need.

Food Supply Items

You need calories. Food stashed in your bug out bag to keep you healthy and maintain your stamina will keep you moving for a while. Keep in mind though, your BOB is not the place to carry canned food. focus on light, easy to prepare foods. A great skill you should also learn is to take advantage of what the land can provide.

6 – Calorie Dense Food Bars

Energy bars are great. Read the label and look for ones that provide the most calories per bar. These food bars will provide your primary energy needs on your journey since they are easy to consume on the go, and you can pack quite a lot of them without adding much weight. Plus they have a decently long shelf life (5+ years).

7 – Dried fruits and nuts

8 – Military Meals (MRE – Meal, Ready to Eat)

9 – Eating Utensils

Unless you prefer eating with dirty hands, you’ll want something small and light to move your food from pouch to mouth. They make a 5 or 7 in one eating multi tool or you can simply ad a fork knife and spoon. They should be metal too.

10 – Cook Kit / Mess Kit

A small personal mess kit with a pan, lid and pot will be ideal to small portions of food.

11 – Fishing Line

Although the hook line and sinker are not the only ways to catch fish, fishing line can be used for other things like traps, snares, self-defense, shelter, lashing, and so on... Fish are an excellent source of protein if you can snag them.

12 – Fishing Pole (small, collapsing, or pocket)

Again a stick will work too but there are some ultra-small fishing poles that have been invented.

• Small Fishing Pole

• Collapsing Fishing Pole

• Pocket Sized Fishing Pole

Any of these options will work great, and they break down and easily fit into your bug out bag.

Make certain to take them with you on your next fishing trip so you can get experience using it.

13 – Yo-Yo Fishing Reels

These can be set out and then you come back to check on them later. So you won’t have to waste precious time actively fishing.

14 – Hook, Swivel, Sinker Set

Yes you could make them too. Without hooks, swivels, and sinkers you’re going to have a hard time catching anything. Keep it light, since you only need a small number of each.

15 – Portable Light Weight Stove

You can save the weight without it but a quick on the go meal with the help of a small light-weight metal pocket size housing and a fuel tablet can definitely help you survive. If you dont have time to build a fire or you a fire can give away your position to others, especially at night, this is a great alternative and low light also smoke and odor free. There are others on the market ranging from butane to Sterno and even solar made for backpacking. Simple is best and the fuel in the one I first mentioned are multi-taskers.

16 – Snare Wires

Snare wires are a lighter option than traps. However, they won’t be of much use unless you know what you’re doing. And wire can be used for other things too.

17 – Survival Slingshot

You can learn how to use a slingshot quickly with some dedicated practice. Like most survival skills, it will take some practice, slingshot is a decent option for some protein and it uses reusable ammo since it can be found in your surroundings. They even have a version of a sling shot that shoots arrows!

18 – Daily Multivitamin Supplement

Your diet may become limited in the wilderness. Having a daily vitamins to help maintain your overall heath will give your body some nourishment your body relies on in your everyday life.

19- Clothing and Warmth Items

Rule #1 – You are not going on vacation. You do not need a wardrobe. Only carry as much clothing as you need for survival.

Rule#2- Clothes will take up precious pack space and weigh. So try to limited additional clothes to just a couple of the main undergarments. Plan on wearing the same set of durable clothes every day and then just change out your undergarments to maintain reasonable hygiene. The quick-dry variety of undergarments will allow you to wash and and then tie them to the outside of your pack to dry as you keep moving. Rotate daily.

20 – Sewing Kit

Since you’re only taking one main set of clothes (the set you’ll wear every day), you’ll need a small light traveling sewing kit. A sewing kit allows you to mend your clothes should they rip or tear on the trail. It should include Needles, thread, and safety pins, even a button or 2. Safety pins in a pinch, have so many uses. Everything from first-aid to making a fish hook.

21 – Survival Gloves

Whether it's cold or not you’ll need a set of gloves. Something durable, and warm if you need it, something that may withstand heat.

22 – Knit hat

In cold weather, plan to retain as much body heat as possible. And while it’s a myth that we lose the majority of our body heat through our heads, it’s still wise to keep your dome covered in the cold. Pack a hat that will also help to avoid detection in the wild or a gray one if you must travel through a city.

23 – Hand Warmers

Save them for serious emergencies, like just before the threat of frostbite or for other first aid. 24 – Poncho with Hood

Being cold and wet can be a miserable experience, and it’s very dangerous in the cold.

Ponchos are thin, light and take up limited space. Get one with a hood to keep the rain off your head.

They can also be used as a shelter, tarp, and for water collection.

Shelter and Bedding Items

Your choice of bug out survival shelter comes down to a personal preference. Personally, I don’t pack a full-fledged tent. The tent poles and anchors are too heavy.

Instead, I use my survival skills and knowledge to make a basic survival shelter.

25 – Tarp

With a tarp and some survival skills, you can create a shelter among many things. You can even us a tarp as a stretcher.

26 – Survival Hammock

A hammock is another survival solution for a single sleeper and you’ll be warm, off the ground, and dry. I think of it as a luxury but as a trap and even a fish net I find more value in it.

27– Blinket (solar) or Bivvy

We all know what sleeping bags are, but the term “bivvy” may be new to you.

A Bivvy is an emergency survival blanket that fits in your hand. It’s about as small and light weight as you can get but will keep you warm and dry even in the worst weather conditions.

28 – Sleeping Bag

Depending on your environment you should select one that will keep your body warm/regulated. Maybe you think it is a luxury item but if you end up on your friends couch when you have to leave the house and there is no spare set of sheets you may wish you had a sleeping bag with you.

29- Ground pad/Sleeping pad The best way to add a sleeping pad to your bug out pack is to roll it up and attach it to the outside because there won’t be enough room on the inside of your bug out bag.

30– Zip Ties

Zip ties are an amazing invention. They are tough light, and allow you to create tight connections. Many police departments us a thick set of zip instead of handcuffs.

31 – Paracord Survival Kit

Paracord has so many survival uses I could have added “paracord” to nearly every bug out checklist category.

In the case of shelters, it can be used to tied branches together or to attach your tarp to trees. It can also anchor your hammock to trees.

Fire starting Tools and Gear

3 independent ways to start a fire is recommended. You need it to purify water, cook food, for nighttime warmth, safety, and it’s a huge morale booster.

Once you have your 3 critical fire starting tools, practice so you know how to use them.

32 – Matches

Regular matches are good but waterproof matches are better. Try to make your own by dipping the tips of regular matched in wax.

3 – Fire Steel/ rod Fire Starter

With a little practice you can use the back of a knife to create a spark on the flint rod. If you get one that has a Magnesium back you are in better shape.

34 – Windproof – Waterproof Electrical Lighter

There are many on the market. They use plasma/electronic ignition. They charge off a USB port good for 100 lights, etc.. If you do get one make sure it has what is called “Dual Arc” remember sometime redundancy is key. If one does not fire, you have a backup in the same little device. I feel these are better then a Zippo. Given a renewable energy source if you have even the smallest voltage that can be be generated.

35 – Tinder

I mentioned fuel tablets from the potable stove above, but simple fire startes to make a SHTF situation easier can be great. Dryer lint or even a piece of charcoal can be used.

36 – Vaseline

Add a dab of vaseline to tinder and it will help it ignite quickly and easily. And it should also be apart of your first-aid kit. Other alternatives are lip balm and they too have a wide variety of uses. Just to name a few: zippers ( makes them glide better, first-aid, sealing a shelter to keep water out, candles, trapping)

37 – Small Magnifying Glass

With the sun,you can use magnification to intensify the heat from the in one concentrated point to start a fire.

38- Friction, bow drill, fire board kit. Yep the “rub 2 sticks together” method. There are quite a few techniques you an use. They go by Friction Fire. Check them out. I Posted about them this past week on my FB page, www.facebook.com/areyoureadyradio

First Aid and Medical Supplies

When in the wilderness, exposed to the elements, there’s an increased chance of illness or injury. So add the essential first aid supplies to be able to treat these issues. Remember, a minor cut can kill via infection if not properly treated.

39 – Personal Medications

If you have prescribed medications, then stock up and add them to your bug out bag. Chemical cold pack if you need insulin.

40 – Wound Gauze Roll

Gauze is the ideal dressing for bad cuts or severe burns. It’s light and takes up very little pack space.

41 – Surgical Tape

This stuff is made to keep gauze, pads, and bandages in place even when you’re on the move.

42 – Band-Aids

Band-aids are the best solution for small cuts and lacerations. They help keep open wounds clean and protected, which helps prevent an infection from developing.

43 – Antiseptic Ointment to help prevent infections.

44 – Pain Killers

For minor aches and pains, these can help keep you going. For serious injuries, pain killers will take the edge off until you can get more help.

45 – Blood Clotting Sponge

Nasty, deep wounds won’t clot on their own. You have to apply intense pressure to the wound site for a long time to get the blood stop, congeal, and begin the healing process. You can also use Tamponds and even smaller Obs brand

46 – Super Glue

Super glue can be used to seal up small cuts. Plus, it comes in handy in numerous survival uses.

47 – Vaseline

I’m aware this is the second time Vaseline made this bug out bag checklist, but it works as both a fire starter and as an ointment. Apply this stuff to your chapped skin or lips to prevent painful cracking.

48 – Survival Antibiotics

A minor cut an turn into a big infection. Access to lifesaving antibiotics to cure infections will become severely limited (if available at all). So stock up on a few bird or fish antibiotics and throw them in your bug out bag, just in case.

49 – Alcohol Prep Pads

Clean all wounds early and often with these alcohol wipes. The alcohol will clean the wound, killing infection-causing bacteria.

50 – Hydrogen Peroxide

Same idea as the alcohol pads, use it to keep wounds clean and bacteria free. 51 – Cotton Swabs

Wax buildup muffles your hearing. And clear hearing is a major advantage in survival.

They are also ideal for applying small amounts of medical salves and liquids. Also, the cotton ends can be used as tinder to start a fire.

52 – Tweezers and Nail Clippers

Pack a sharp set of tweezers to get slivers out and a good set of nail clippers to trim your nails. 53 – Butterfly bandage in lieu of sutures or a suture kit

54 – Solar Blanket

55- Surgical Kit If you have some experience.

Personal Hygiene Items

When on the run, you’ll need basic sanitation, but that’s NOT going to include daily hot showers. Towel, soap or even an all in one soap& shampoo. Maybe a razor to shave. And a good skill to learn is shaving with a strait razor, the blade can be used over and over again.

56 – Moist Towelettes

They are a good light-weight hygiene solution on the go. 57 – Mini-Toothbrushes

Oral hygiene is important to prevent all sorts of tooth problems.

58 – Mini-Toothpaste Travel Size Tube

59 – Dental Floss

Not just for oral use but non-waxed is good for sutures too.

60 – Sportsman Soap

While moist towelettes can replace your daily shower, you’ll want some sportsman soap for the occasional river bath.

61 – Tampons

Not just for the ladies but also for first-aid

62 – Hand Sanitizer

You want to avoid ingesting bacteria from your hands. Use a small bottle of hand sanitizer to clean your hands before eating.


Illumination is necessary for survival. You’ll need good light to work under the darkness of night. 63 – Super Bright LED Headlamp

And it;s hands-free. This may not be your main source of light but helpful when you need your hands for other things.

64– Super Bright LED Tactical Flashlight

It should be super bright and have rechargeable batteries.

65 – Glow Sticks

Glow sticks work great to light up an entire area and not just a particular spot, which can be helpful in a campsite.

However, they can give away your position to potential threats so only use these if you know you’re in a secluded area.

66- A solar lantern that you can turn on and off is a great illumination option when you’re not in a secure area.

67- a crank/solar flashlight Batteries are heavy and a great way to lighten the load is not to rely on them.

Communication Tools

Gathering information and sharing information during a bug out situation is critical for success. 68 – Hand Crank AM/FM/NOAA Band Radio

You’ll want regular updates on how the “situation” is progressing. This helps to decide your next move.

69 – Two-Way Walkie Talkie Radios & portable HAM radio

If your team gets separated, or you split up for strategic reasons, you’ll still be able to keep in touch at short distances.

70– Smart Phone and stick/flip phone a back up smartphone is a good idea but an emergency backup that does not even need service is good in the even you may just need to call 911

71 – Small Signaling Mirror

You can communicate with others in your group and also to get rescue. If you learn Morse Code, you can use long and short bursts of light to communicate.

72- Pencil and Paper. You can leave notes or send messages, figure messages out. I prefer a carpenters pencil. Both are light and small, so you should be able to find room in your bug out bag for them.

73- Decoder Book. Each member of your group should have a the same copy/edition/print of the same book to use to send coded messages to others in your group if needed. Some families and groups may use a bible or you can use a book by one of your favorite authors. 74 – Multi-Functional Survival Whistle

A loud whistle is another way to communicate with your bug out team over long distances. Again, it’s light and takes up very little space.

Self Defense Tools

You need to be prepared to defend yourself and your group from threats from wild game and threats from other humans. You can either be the hunter or be hunted. 75 – Survival Firearm

For bugging out, you need a firearm that is designed to break down to fit in a pack and can take a ton of abuse.

76 – Ammunition

You want to carry enough ammo to avoid having to ration. But you have to watch your bug out bag weight and ammo is heavy. 77 – Stun Gun

As an alternative to using a firearm for self-defense. They also come in the form of a tactical flashlight and again it's a good multi-tasker. Even better you can use them to start a fire. 78 – Survival Bow

Arrows are reusable so you won’t need to pack as many as you would ammunition. Bows are also silent to shoot, especially in comparison to a firearm.

Here’s a 3-minute video detailing one survival take-down bow option and how they work in general.

79 – Pepper Spray

High quality pepper spray is another solid self-defense tool you should pack. It’s effective against both wild beasts and humans.

90- Machete Good for clearing a path, shopping, and also as self-defense.


Misc Survival Tools and Supplies

Finally, these are the random survival tools and supplies that will make your bug out just a little bit easier.

91 – Bandana

The bandana is another multi-tasker due to its extreme usefulness. For personal hygiene, use it to wipe and clean. You can also use it to filter water and as a makeshift dust mask. 92- Trenching shovel

93 – High-Quality Compass

Maybe you think your GPS will lead the way. It may if it is working but eventually the battery will die. Learn how to use it. Whether off-grid or not, navigation is too critical and getting lost is dangerous.

94 – Survival Knife

Spend time researching good survival knives. Find one that meets your needs. Like a car or a mattress test them out to make sure that select the right one and learn how to use it in the wild with lots of practice. Don't forget the knife sharpener 95 – Multi Tool with pliers

96 – Portable Solar Charger

If you pack any items that require electricity or batteries to function (i.e. cell phone, walkie-talkies, flashlights, GPS etc.) you’ll need a way to charge these devices.

This portable solar charger easily attaches to the outside of your bug out bag so you can capture electricity while on the move.

It’s one of my new favorite bug out devices since it allows me to carry some basic electronics with me. 97 – Survival Hatchet

If you add a survival hatchet to your bug-out bag, get one of the lightest ones you can find. 98 – Small Wire Saw

If you forgo adding a survival hatchet to your bug out bag, you should at least add a wire chainsaw. This wire saw will cut down small trees efficiently to help build shelters.

99 – Playing Cards

100 – Sunglasses

101 – Personal Credit Cards

102 – Drivers License / Passport

103 – Small Roll Of Duct Tape

104– Local Area Topographical Map

105 – Gas Mask

106- Road Maps / Atlas

107 – Camo Face Paint Sticks

108 – Family Photos

109 – Set Of Broad-heads

110 – Spare Rx Glasses

111 – Mosquito Head Net

112 –Watch

113 – Electrical Tape

114 – Carabineers

115- Rechargeable Batteries

116– Cash or Rare Metal Coins

117- Tent

118- Toilet paper

119- Insect Repellent Pack a repellent spray with high amounts of DEET.

120- Sun Screen

For more great tips and information listen to Are You Ready live Wednesdays at 7PM Eastern and on all popular podcast platforms.