UNLV Autonomous Vehicle: Our dedicated team has been deeply involved in advancing autonomous vehicle technology. I have had the privilege of leading a group of highly motivated graduate and undergraduate students in this endeavor. After over a year of dedicated effort, we are now witnessing promising results. We have successfully implemented self-driving technology on our university campus, utilizing a customized Lincoln MKZ equipped with an array of sensors, including 4 LiDARS, 5 RADARS, SONAR, 4 Lucid vision cameras, a thermal camera, IMU, GPS, and drive-by-wire technology. As for our software stack, we've tailored open-source Autoware Universe to accommodate our sensor suite, enabling the vehicle to operate autonomously within its Operational Design Domain (ODD). Our self-driving car rigorously adheres to all traffic regulations, including stop signs, traffic lights, right-of-way, parking, and more.

Here is the summary of how we implemented the software stack:

code: https://github.com/zillur-av/mkz_interface 


I have made many changes to the interfacing module. If you need the exact code, please contact me. We are using the Lincoln MKZ 2017 hybrid model with dataspeed by-wire CAN systems. The by-wire system was installed by AutonomousStuff.

Besides those major modifications, we needed to modify some programs related to the Ouster lidar message and IMU messages. Autoware Universe software stack works on top of ROS2 humble version. 

github link: https://github.com/zillur-av/autoware