15 December 2023: I successfully completed my Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a GPA of 4.0.  

24 September 2023: I attended to ITSC 2023 conference in Bilbao, Spain, and presented our accepted paper. I also traveled to Barcelona and Paris. Those two cities are amazing and I wish to be there again.

10 July 2023:  The initial findings of my MS thesis have been accepted at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). In this study, we present a new lane detection dataset created from challenging Las Vegas streets. Besides, we propose a lane classification model that can be used with a lane detection model to classify lane marking types such as solid and dashed. We also investigate the effect of using mixed-precision techniques in model training and testing.

04 June 2023: I attended the 2023 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV) in Anchorage, Alaska. I participated Autoware Tutorial where I learned valuable insights into the Autoware Autonomous Driving Software Stack. Took part in technical sessions too where I met with some amazing professionals from industries and academia.

08 October 2022: Paper accepted in IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES 2022). In that study, we demonstrated how to implement a pedestrian emergency braking system in a very short time. A yolov5-based monocular 3D object detection model was used to measure the pedestrian distance and a longitudinal PD controller was designed to control the car speed smoothly. Finally, we compared both simulation and real-world performance.

16 August 2022: Received UNLV Access Grant for academic excellence. Such accolades encourage me to work harder.

15 May 2022: Our team participated in the Bosch challenge. I could not travel there due to VISA issues, but my other team members attended. Although we did not win any prizes, it was a great experience and the things I have learned will be significantly useful for my work with a real autonomous car.

27 March 2022: It is a great pleasure for me to announce that our team from UNLV got selected for the final event of the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge. We have been invited to attend the final at Bosch Engineering Facilities in Center Cluj, Romania. Only 24 teams out of around 100 got selected for the final event.

24 January 2022: I joined Team UNLV Rebel Dynamics to work on a 1/10 scale self-driving car for the Bosch Future Mobility Challenge 2022. This is an international robotics competition. We were provided with a 1/10 scale car equipped with a Raspberry pi 4 processor, PiCamera, GPS,  and IMU module. More about this project will be found here.

18 January 2022: I officially started my graduate journey. Let's see what the future holds for me. Keep me in your prayers so that I can make my parents, my community, and my country proud one day.