About Me

I am a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Miaojing Shi, Dr. Holger Caesar, and Prof. Tomasz Radzik at the Visual Computing Lab, Department of Informatics, King's College London, UK. I am also affiliated with King's Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Before joining KCL, I had a great time as an Algorithm Engineer at Horizon Robotics and ByteDance, respectively. I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree from South China University of Technology in 2018.

Research Interests



Publications / Preprints

Zijian Zhou, Miaojing Shi, Meng Wei, Oluwatosin Alabi, Zijie Yue, Tom Vercauteren

arXiv 2024 [Paper]

Zijian Zhou, Miaojing Shi, Holger Caesar

arXiv 2023 [Paper] [Code]

Zijian Zhou, Oluwatosin Alabi, Meng Wei, Tom Vercauteren, Miaojing Shi

NeurIPS 2023 [Paper] [Code] [Video]

Zijian Zhou, Miaojing Shi, Holger Caesar

ICCV 2023 [Paper] [Code]

Yilin Xiong, Zijian Zhou, Yuhao Dou, Zhizhong Su

ACCV 2020 [Paper]

Jinrong Li, Zijian Zhou, Zhizhong Su, Shuangping Huang, Lianwen Jin

ICDAR 2019 [Paper]


Zujin Guo, Bo Li, Jingkang Yang, Zijian Zhou (alphabetical order)



2022.06 - Now. Ph.D. in Department of Informatics. Supervised by Dr. Miaojing Shi, Dr. Holger Caesar, and Prof. Tomasz Radzik

2014.09 - 2018.06. B.Eng. in School of Electronics and Information. Supervised by Prof. Shuangping Huang and Prof. Lianwen Jin


2024.06 - Now. Research Scientist Intern, GenAI. Supervised by Dr. Sen He

Project: Generative Model

2023.08 - 2024.06. Research Intern. Supervised by Dr. Zheng Zhu

Project: Open-set Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

2022.10 - 2024.03. Research Assistant, Department of Informatics. Supervised by Dr. Miaojing Shi and Prof. Tom Vercauteren

Project: Medical Imaging, Cambridge-1

2020.08 - 2022.05. Algoirithm Engineer, Search Ads Group. Supervised by Shuai Tao

Project: Multimodal Relevance Model for Search Ads Engine

2018.07 - 2020.08. Algorithm Engineer, Department of Platform and Technology. Supervised by Zhizhong Su and Yuan Li

Project: Facial Landmark Detection and Pose Estimation, Face Anti-Spoofing

2017.08 - 2018.07. Algorithm Intern, AIoT Group. Supervised by Zhizhong Su and Dr. Dalong Du

Project: Scene Text Spotting (both detection and recognition)

2015.12 - 2017.06. Research Assistant, School of Electronics and Information. Supervised by Prof. Shuangping Huang and Prof. Lianwen Jin

Project: Scene Text Detection

Academic Services
