Metallurgy and Microscopy for Materials under Extreme Environments 

      Zhongxia Shang, Ph.D.

Hi, there! My name is Zhongxia. It means mid-summer in Chinese. I am a metallurgist and an electron microscopist connecting fundamental material science with engineering structural materials. 

I am currently a staff scientist at Purdue Electron Microscopy Center and Birck Nanotechnology Center. I joined Purdue in 2016 as a graduate student and got my Ph.D. in Materials Engineering in 2020. Before joining EM center, I worked as a postdoc with Prof. Haiyan Wang and Prof. Xinghang Zhang and severed as the Talos 200X TEM manager of the department. 

My current research interest includes advanced electron microscopy and in situ TEM of advanced ceramics and alloys. My research specialties also include metallurgy, radiation damages, strong-ductile alloys, laser powder bed fusion. 

In my spare time, I enjoy cooking, traveling, music and photography. 


Honors and awards: 

Professional services and activities: 

Additive Manufacturing (Impact factor: 11), Materials Research Letters (Impact factor: 7.323), Scripta Materialia (Impact factor: 5.611), Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Impact factor: 5.316), Journal of Nuclear Materials (Impact factor: 2.936), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (Impact factor: 2.556), JOM (The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) (Impact factor: 2.471), Advanced Engineering Materials (Impact factor: 3.862), Materials Science and Technology (Impact factor: 2.586), Materials (MDPI) (Impact factor: 3.623), Metals (MDPI) (Impact factor: 2.351).

Assisted and collaborated with 38 users in 15 research groups from 7 departments at Purdue including: School of Materials Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute, Civil Engineering. (Total training and assisting time > 450 hours)

Teaching experience: 

Recitation instructor, Spring 2018

MSE230: Structure and properties of materials, School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University

Lecture instructors: Prof. David Johnson and Prof. Jan-Anders Mansson.

(1) Lectured class of 60 undergraduates on basic principles in Materials Science and Engineering. (W. D. Callister, et al. New York: Wiley, 2018.)

(2) Guided students during office hours and graded quizzes, homework, and exams.