Recent news/travels/visits

  • 2020 January: I joined Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as an Assistant Professor.

  • 2019 December: Visiting University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC, Chengdu) and East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST, Shanghai).

  • 2019 October: I will be joining Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as an Assistant Professor (starting Jan 2020).

  • 2019 March 15th-23rd: I am visiting College of Engineering at Peking University and attending the Excellent Youth Researcher Forum at PKU.

  • 2018 December: I am visiting Hangzhou Dianzi University and Peking University (host: Prof. Zhongkui Li).

  • 2018 April 19th--21st: Attending a workshop on Networked System and Optimization at Zhejiang University (host: Prof. Junfeng Wu).

  • 2018 February: I have accepted a 2-year researcher position offer from LCCC-Lund University and will move to Sweden in June 2018.

  • 2018 February 5th-6th: I am visiting RMIT University, Melbourne (host: Prof. Xinghuo Yu).

  • 2018 January 4th-7th: I am visiting College of Engineering - Peking University, Beijing (host: Prof. Zhisheng Duan).

  • 2017 December: Attending the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2017) at Melbourne, and the 2017 Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2017) at Gold Coast. I am also organizing a pre-conference workshop on distributed control and formation control systems at ASCC 2017 (see the link here). Welcome!

  • 2017 July: I am visiting Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile (ENAC) at Toulouse, France (host: Dr. Hector Garcia de Marina), and attending the 20th IFAC World Congress at Toulouse.

  • 2017 March: Three papers were all accepted at IFAC'17! Look forward to seeing old and new friends at Toulouse this July!

  • 2017 January 31: After more than four months waiting on the examination of my thesis, my PhD degree gets approved from ANU! I will commence a Research Fellow position at the Research School of Engineering at ANU.

  • 2016 December: Visiting Purdue University (host: A/Prof. Shaoshuai Mou) for one week, and attending the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'16) at Las Vegas, NV, USA.

  • 2016 September-October: Visiting Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology--GIST, Korea (host: Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn) for three weeks. I am also honored to be invited to attend the symposium "Formation Control and Distributed Coordination" at GIST.

  • 2016 September 20th: my PhD thesis was submitted for external examination.

  • 2016 September 8th-9th: Attending the 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems at Tokyo, Japan.

  • 2016 August 1st: Today is a special day of ANU as ANU celebrates its 70th birthday. Today is also a special day for me--I finished a complete version of my PhD thesis by today (it seems like a thesis writing competition, and I finished the writing in eight days).

  • 2016 end of July: Five CDC papers are all accepted at CDC'16! Thanks to my collaborators, Brian, Christian, Hyo-Sung, Myoung-Chul, Na and Minh! Look forward to seeing old and new friends at Las Vegas this December!

  • 2016 July: After 3 years+5 months' research and study, I am now almost at the finishing line of my PhD journey, and at the position of writing my PhD thesis.

  • 2016 March: visiting University of Groningen, the Netherlands (host: Prof. Ming Cao) for four weeks. This research visit is supported by the CECS Dean's Travel Grant from ANU.

  • 2015 December: Visited Kyoto University (Prof. Toshiharu Sugie's group), and attended the 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'15) at Osaka, Japan. The paper on invariance principles for formation control systems was selected in the finalist of Best Student Paper in CDC'15.

  • 2015 November-December: Visited Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology--GIST, Korea (host: Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn) for three weeks. Thanks to all the members in DCAS (Distributed Control & Autonomous Systems) Lab at GIST! Particular thanks to Myoung-Chul and Sung-Mo for much help during this memorable visit!

  • 2015 November: Attended the 5th Australian Control Conference (AUCC'15) at Gold Coast, Australia. My paper was awarded the Best Student Paper!

  • 2015 September: Attended the 2015 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC), at Manly Sydney. Two papers were accepted and presented. I also chaired (co-chaired) two sessions: Invited ISIC Session--Formation Control and Network Localization of Multi-Agent Systems, and Regular CCA Session--Cooperative Control.

  • 2015 July 15-17: Attended the 14th annual European Control Conference (ECC'15), at Linz, Austria.

  • 2015 June-July: Visited Institut für Mathematik, University of Würzburg, Germany (Host: Prof. Uwe Helmke) for four weeks. The visit was supported by a DAAD-Go8 research program. Thanks to Uwe's group for this very lovely visit to Würzburg. Particular thanks to Dr. Christian Lageman for many insightful discussions.

  • 2015 June: I received the competitive Dean's Travel Grant from CECS ANU which will support me to visit University of Groningen for four-six weeks in 2016.

  • 2014 December: Attended the 53rd Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'14) at Los Angeles, in which 3 papers were accepted. The travel and conference attendance was also supported by the IEEE CSS Student Travel Support Program.

  • 2014 November-December: Visited Yale University (Host: Prof. A. Stephen Morse) for two weeks. Thanks also to Shaoshuai, Lili, Fengjiao, and Daniel for making my Yale visit a very enjoyable one. ​

  • 2014 November: Attended the 4th Australian Control Conference (AUCC'14). The paper co-authored with Shaoshuai, Uwe and Brian was selected in the finalist of Best Student Paper.

  • 2014 August: Attended the 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014), at Cape Town, South Africa.

  • 2013 November: Attended the 3rd Australian Control Conference (AUCC'13), at Perth, Australia.

  • 2013 February 20th: I commenced my PhD study/research at Australian National University, with the support of Prime Minister's Endeavour Postgraduate Award from Australian Government. I was (am, and will be) extremely lucky to have Brian as my PhD supervisor!