Nikta Zafarjafarzadeh joined our group. Welcome! Nikta transferred from the Biochem department to our Chemistry Department. She is interested in working with cancer metabolism!
Bin, Shivam, Seohee, Karsten, and Jesse attended SPIE Photonics West. We presented 12 presentations, including 7 oral presentations, 1 three-minute challenge, and 4 posters. Congratulations to Shivam on receiving the best poster award in BO400, and second place in the 3MT presentation! Bin, Shivam, and Seohee have also received Travel grants from Purdue University!
Xinyi He joined our group! Welcome. Xinyi is a M.S. student from BME department!
Congratulations to Shivam and Karsten for receiving the College of Science Graduate Student Travel Award for 2025.
We received $50,000 CBM funding to support the development of a device to study drug diffusion; We also received $25,000 from BASF for studying drug penetration in plant leaves.
Congratulations to Seohee Ma for receiving the Women in Science Program (WISP) travel grant for the upcoming SPIE Photonics West.
Mingmin Zhou and Callum Appel joined our group for Ph.D. study! Welcome!
Congratulations to Karsten Mohn for passing his OP!
Chemical and Biomedical Imaging (ACS journal) has accepted Gil's first-authored paper on hypoxia-induced cancer lipid metabolism change for publication. Congratulations to Gil and coauthors!
Welcome, Ambhranee and Ishaan, to our group! We're excited to have you join us. And welcome back, Natalie—we're glad to have you continue working with us this semester.
Jesse presented an invited talk at the ACS Fall 2024 in Denver.
Congratulations to Laura Lukov for receiving the Presidential Doctoral Excellence Award!
Congratulations to Shivam and co-authors for publishing their work in VIEW!
Jesse presented an invited talk at ICORS at Sapienza University of Rome.
Congratulations to Gil on receiving his Ph.D. degree! The second Ph.D. student from our lab!
Matt's low-wavenumber SRS microscopy paper has been accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry. Our graphic design was selected as the supplementary cover of Analytical Chemistry.
We received the 2024-2025 Showalter Trusk Research Award with a total fund of $75,000 for using RPOC technology to manipulate cell division!
We received a $30,000 Award from the Purdue Trask Foundation to commercialize the RPOC technology.
Bin presented an oral talk 9th Annual Hitchhiker's Guide to the Biomolecular Galaxy 2024, Shivam also gave a poster presentation.
Karsten presented at the CBM symposium at IU Bloomington
Karsten and Shivam presented posters in the OIGP poster session.
Jesus received his M.S. degree in Chemistry. Congratulations!
Jesse presented at the Purdue Innovation Expo.
Congratulations to Matthew Clark for his successful Ph.D. defense. Matt is the first Ph.D. student in our group!
Jesse, Matt, and Bin presented at SPIE Photonics West. Congratulations to Bin on receiving the best paper in the conference 12840, Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXXV.
Our paper "Spatiotemporally Precise Optical Manipulation of Intracellular Molecular Activities" is published in Advanced Science.
Dr. Chi Zhang will teach CHM424 in the spring semester of 2024.
Our group is funded by CBM with $50,000 for research in 2024!
Welcome new graduate student Laura Lukov!
Karsten presented for our group at Merck! Shivam and Seohee presented posters at PUND!
Jesse gave an invited talk at SPIE Photonics Asia.
We have received a $241,000 NIH R35 supplement fund to continue developing RPOC technology!
Shivam gave an oral presentation at the Turkey Run Analytical Conference! Seohee and Karsten present posters too! Cheers!
Jesse gave a seminar at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Jesse gave a seminar at the Colorado State University.
Matt, Bin, and Jesse attended the inaugural Chemical Imaging GRC at Stonehill College. Congratulations to Bin on receiving the Poster Award!
Merck & Co. Inc. supports us with $74,893 for the research in apoptosis and SRS sensitivity.
Congratulations to Gil Gonzalez on receiving support from the Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate and becoming an AGEP scholar!
Together with Dr. Garth Simpson's lab, we successfully hosted the 18th Annual Chautauqua on Nonlinear Optics. The Keynote speakers are Dr. Dennis Hore from the University of Victoria and Dr. Sean Roberts from UT Austin.
Dr. Chi Zhang has received a Pilot Grant from the Purdue Center for Cancer Research (PCCR) for collaborative projects.
NIH NIGMS has approved our Administrative Supplementary fund to Support Grace Crim for her summer research with our group. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Quentin on receiving the College of Science Alumni Summer Research Fellowship Award!
Congratulations to Matthew Clark on receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship. Great Job!
Matthew Clark received the Guy Mellon Award in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations!
Dr. Bin Dong joined our lab as a Postdoctoral Associate! He moved to Purdue from Penn State University. Welcome!!
Matt, Gil, and Jesse presented at the SPIE Photonics West BIOS on our research!
Shreya Shivpuje joined our lab. Shreya is a Master's student in Statistics. Welcome!
Dr. Chi Zhang has received an NIH R01 grant from NIDDK as a co-I together with PI Dr. Shihuan Kuang and others.
A Zeiss LSM confocal system is installed in our lab.
Welcome new graduate students Karsten Mohn and Shivam Mahapatra!!!
Our paper on pulse-picking nonlinear optical microscopy authored by Matt and Gil is accepted by Analytical Chemistry for publication. Cheers!
Grace Crim joined our lab for undergraduate research. Welcome!
Seohee, Kent, and Matt presented their posters at the Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference! Excellent work!
Natalie Fiur joined our lab for undergraduate research. Welcome!
Dr. Chi Zhang gave a seminar at Hope College, Michigan on the group's research.
Dr. Chi Zhang gave a seminar at Calvin University, Michigan on the group's research.
Our NIH ESI MIRA funding officially starts! The total fund is $1,747,842.
After more than 2 months of no laser, finally we are back on power.
The fall semester of 2022 starts. Dr. Chi Zhang is teaching CHM696, Molecular Spectroscopy and Imaging.
Our support from the Center for Bioanalytical Metrology is extended with another $25,000 fund. Thank Pfizer for the support!
Dr. Chi Zhang has presented real-time precision opto-control of chemical processes in live cells at the ICORS 2022 @ Long Beach, CA.
Gustavo has received second place in the poster award of the Purdue Summer BRIDGE program. Congratulations!
Our paper "Real-time Precision Opto-Control of Chemical Processes in Live Cells" is published in Nature Communications.
Dr. Zhang's NIH R35 MIRA Award entitled "Chemical-selective real-time laser precision control of biomolecules" is recommended for funding.
Congratulations to Matt Clark on getting support from the Ross-Lynn Research Scholar Fund (previously PRF).
Gustavo Agreda joins our group for summer research through the University's BRIDGE program. Welcome!
The InSight X3 laser is down. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon.
17th Chautauqua on NLO is a great success. We have 31 participants from 9 universities. Our invited speakers are Katherine Cimatu from Ohio University and Dan Fu from Washington University.
Congratulations to Matt for receiving 3rd place in the oral presentation of the Hitchhiker’s symposium!
Congratulations to Zizy on receiving the Summer Undergrad Research Award 21-22 offered by PCCR!
Matt Clark gave oral and poster presentations at SPIE Photonics West BIOS in San Franciso, 2022. He talked about our precision opto-control technology and the pulse-picking method.
Dr. Chi Zhang teaches CHM424, Instrumental analysis in the Spring semester of 2022.
Ezinne Uzoamaka Osuji joined our lab. Zizy is a second-year pre-pharmacy undergraduate student. Welcome!
Congratulations to Gil on passing his OP! Let's work towards the next target.
11/11/2021 CBM funding
Our research is funded by the Center for Bioanalytical Metrology!
10/29/2021 Welcome new students!
First-year graduate students Seohee Ma and Helen Campbell joined our lab. Welcome!! We will play with photons together.
Congratulations to Matt on passing his OP! You are now a Ph.D. candidate! It's time to start working towards your defense.
Matt has presented his poster at the Turkey Run Analytical Chemistry Conference and won the Best Poster Award. Great job!
07/05/2021 Chautauqua 2021
16th Chautauqua on NLO is a success, we hosted more than 20 participants from 7 countries. We have covered optical polarization, SHG and SFG spectroscopy, CRS microscopy, and 2D-IR spectroscopy.
Teaching fall 2021
Dr. Chi Zhang will be teaching the graduate level CHM696, Chemical Imaging for Biological and Medical Sciences in the fall semester of 2021. Welcome to register for the course!
5/22/2021 Congratulations to Kent on getting married!
5/19/2021 After three weeks of no laser, it's finally back online!
Now we can get back to business!
3/29/2021 Dr. Chi Zhang joined the Purdue Center for Cancer Research (PCCR)
This will certainly help our cancer research through more collaborations!
2/15/2021 Welcome undergraduate student Oliver (Juntao) Shi
Oliver (Juntao) Shi will join us this semester. Oliver is an undergraduate student with a biochemistry major.
Teaching spring 2021
Dr. Chi Zhang will be teaching the undergraduate level CHM424, Instrumental Analysis, in the spring semester of 2021.
10/31/2020 Welcome new students Matt Clark and Kent Brasseale!
Matt Clark and Kent Brasseale joined our lab. Matt is a second-year graduate student in the analytical division. Kent is a first-year graduate student also in the analytical division. Welcome!!!
10/14/2020 Our laser was installed.
This is the first Insight X3+ laser in the world.
09/28/2020 Welcome graduate student Gil Gonzalez!
Gil Gonzalez is a second-year graduate student in biochemistry. Gil decided to join our group. Welcome!!!
09/23/2020 Optical tables have arrived
Our optical tables were installed. We will start to build microscopes soon!
Teaching Fall 2020
Dr. Chi Zhang will be teaching CHM69600, Chemical Imaging for Biological and Medical Sciences in the fall semester of 2020.
Lab under construction
We started on August 3, 2020. Our lab is currently under construction. We will develop novel optical imaging systems, and use our imaging tools to study cell metabolism.
07/05/2020 Welcome graduate student Jesus Aldana-Mendoza!
Jesus Aldana-Mendoza is a second-year graduate student in biochemistry. Jesus decided to join our group. Welcome!!!