The Zhang research Group
We play with photons
We develop novel optical spectroscopy, imaging, and opto-control technologies and apply them to study chemistry in living samples. We use chemical imaging to answer questions in biological and medical sciences and develop new opto-control platforms to precisely control chemical processes in live cells.
Group News
Nikta Zafarjafarzadeh joined our group. Welcome! Nikta transferred from the Biochem department to our Chemistry Department. She is interested in working with cancer metabolism!
Bin, Shivam, Seohee, Karsten, and Jesse attended SPIE Photonics West. We presented 12 presentations, including 7 oral presentations, 1 three-minute challenge, and 4 posters. Congratulations to Shivam on receiving the best poster award in BO400, and second place in the 3MT presentation! Bin, Shivam, and Seohee have also received Travel grants from Purdue University!
Xinyi He joined our group! Welcome. Xinyi is a M.S. student from BME department!
Selected publications
B. Dong#, S. Mahapatra#, M.G. Clark, et al. and C. Zhang*. "Spatiotemporal precise optical manipulation of intracellular molecular activities", Advanced Science, 2307342 (2024) Link
M.G. Clark, G. Gonzalez, Y. Luo, J. Aldana-Mendoza, M.S. Carlsen, G. Eakins, M. Dai, and C. Zhang*. "Real-time precision opto-control of chemical processes in live cells". Nature Communications, 13, 4343 (2022). Link
M.G. Clark, K.J. Mohn, B. Dong, H.C. Campbell, and C. Zhang*. "Frequency-domain low-wavenumber hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering microscopy", Analytical Chemistry, (2024) 96 (25) 10341–10347. Link
M.G. Clark, G. Gonzalez, and C. Zhang*. "Pulse-picking multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy". Analytical Chemistry 94, 15405–15414 (2022). Link
S. Mahapatra, S. Ma, B. Dong, and C. Zhang*. "Quantification of cellular phototoxicity of organelle stains by the dynamics of microtubule polymerization" VIEW, 20240013 (2024). Link
G. Gonzalez, E. Osuji, N. Fiur, M. Clark, S. Ma, L. Lukov, and C. Zhang*. "Alternation of lipid metabolism in hypoxia cancer cells". Chemical & Biomedical Imaging, (2024) In Press. Link