Seminars - Conferences - Awards


2023 Annual Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Athens, GR), invited speaker

2023    Hbio. 3rd Hellenic Biocluster Forum. (Athens GR).

2022 Annual Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Patras, GR), invited speaker

2022 20 years of Metadynamics- Cecam Workshop, Lausanne, CH, invited speaker.

2022 FEBS fellows meeting, Vimeiro, Portugal invited speaker.

2022 Lost in Integration - Probing Biomolecules with Electrons, Photons, Neutrons and Magnetic Spins, Spetses, Greece.

2021 Centre of Misfolding Disease annual conference, Centre of Misfolding Disease, University of Cambridge , Cambridge, UK, poster presentation.

2021 ECR webinar series, Biochemistry focus, Computational biology and bioinformatics, Biochemical society, invited speaker

2021 Computer Simulation and Theory of Macromolecules, Hunfeld, Germany, oral presentation.

2021 18th Hellenic Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, oral presentation

2021 7th Annual meeting of the Centre of Misfolding Diseases, CMD, Cambridge UK, oral presentation.

2021 Hellenic polymer society international conference, Athens, Greece, poster presentation.

2019 Showcase week Theory symposium, Department of Chemistry, University Cambridge, Cambridge UK, chair.

2019 6th Annual meeting of the Centre of Misfolding Diseases, CMD, Cambridge UK, oral presentation.

2019 Advanced Simulations for Biomolecular Research, BioExcel 2nd SIG Meeting, Athens, Greece, poster presentation.

2017 Structure Based Drug Discovery, Lausanne, Switzerland, poster presentation.

2016 Nanocity 2016, the national event on nanotechnology, Amsterdam, Netherlands poster presentation.

2016 Computer Simulations, Gordon Conference, Girona, Spain poster presentation.

2015 CHAINS, the Dutch chemistry conference, Veldhoven, Netherlands, oral presentation.

2015 Nanocity 2015, the national event on nanotechnology, Amersfoort, Netherlands poster presentation.

2015 Dutch Biophysics conference, Veldhoven, Netherlands, poster presentation.

2014 Physics@FOM, physics conference, Veldhoven, Netherlands, poster presentation.


2024 Teaching lectures on in-silico protein design of "Protein and enzymatic biotechnilogy"  course of the Biotechnology masters, Biology department,  NKUA (winter semester)

2022    Lost in Integration - Probing Biomolecules with Electrons, Photons, Neutrons and Magnetic Spins, Spetses, Greece.

2021    Centre of Misfolding Disease annual meeting, Cambridge, UK

2021 Accelerating the Understanding of Rare Events, Leiden, Netherlands.

2021 EMBO Virtual Workshop on Advances and challenges in biomolecular simulations.

2018 Colloid Assembly Engineering, Riva del Garda, Italy.

2018 Multiscale simulations of allosteric regulatory mechanisms in cancer-associated proteins and signaling protein networks, CECAM workshop, Lugano, Switzerland.

2015 From trajectories to reaction coordinates: making sense of molecular simulation data, Vienna, Austria.

2015 Writing Scientific Proposals and Survival Guide for Peer Review workshop, Leiden, Netherlands.

2014 Computer simulation and theory of macromolecules workshop, Hunfeld, Germany.

2013 Risk analysis and technology assessment course, NanonextNL course, Netherlands.

2013 Computational structural biology course, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2013 Biomolecular Simulations course, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2013 Molecular Simulations workshop (MolSim), poster presentation, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

2013 Methods in molecular simulations (CCP5) summer school, poster presentation, Manchester, UK.

2012 Scientific programming in python course, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
