Telangana Growth Analysis

About Dataset

The dataset includes information about districts, dates, revenue from document registrations and estamp challan payments, vehicle sales categorized by various factors, and data related to units or businesses established under the TS-iPASS initiative in Telangana. It provides valuable insights into economic and industrial activities within the state, spanning district-level details, monthly trends, and fiscal year information.


Specific Goals

Problem Statements & Solutions

Stamp Registration

1. How does the revenue generated from document registration vary across districts in Telangana? List down the top 5 districts that showed the highest document registration revenue growth between FY 2019 and 2022.

2. How does the revenue generated from document registration compare to the revenue generated from e-stamp challans across districts? List down the top 5 districts where e-stamp revenue contributes significantly more to the revenue than the documents in FY2022.

3. Is there any alteration of the e-Stamp challan count and document registration count pattern since the implementation of the e-Stamp challan? If so, what suggestions would you propose to the government?

Yes, there has been an alteration in the e-stamp challan count and document registration count pattern since the implementation of the e-stamp challan in Telangana. From 2019 to 2022, the e-Stamp challan count has increased by 60%, while the document registration count has increased by 55%. This suggests that e-stamp challan is becoming increasingly popular in Telangana and is gradually replacing traditional stamp paper.

There are a number of reasons for this shift.

4. Categorize districts into three segments based on their stamp registration revenue generation during the fiscal year 2021 to 2022.


5. Investigate whether there is any correlation between vehicle sales and specific months or seasons in different districts. Are there any months or seasons that consistently show higher or lower sales rates, and if yes, what could be the driving factors? (Consider Fuel-Type category only)

The fact that Autumn has the highest average vehicle sales in Telangana is interesting and suggests that there may be some factors that are specifically driving sales during this time of year. Some possible explanations include:

It is also interesting to note that the different fuel types have different sales patterns throughout the year. For example, petrol and diesel vehicles sell best in Autumn, while electric vehicles sell best in spring. This may be due to a number of factors, such as the price of fuel, the availability of charging stations, and the government's incentives for electric vehicles.

6. How does the distribution of vehicles vary by vehicle class (MotorCycle, MotorCar, AutoRickshaw, Agriculture) across different districts? Are there any districts with a predominant preference for a specific vehicle class? Consider FY 2022 for analysis.

There are no districts in Telangana with a predominant preference for a specific vehicle class during FY 2022.

7. List down the top 3 and bottom 3 districts that have shown the highest and lowest vehicle sales growth during FY 2022 compared to FY 2021.  (Consider and compare categories: Petrol, Diesel, and Electric)

Top 3 highest districts:- Rangareddy district has the highest vehicle sales in Telangana, followed by Hyderabad and Medchal_Malkajgiri districts. There are a number of factors that contribute to the high vehicle sales in these districts. One factor is the rapid urbanization and economic growth, another factor is the good road infrastructure in these districts. This makes it easier and more convenient for people to travel by road.

Top 3 bottom districts:- The decline in vehicle sales in Nagonda, Nizamabad, and Warangal districts is likely due to a combination of factors, including the economic slowdown, high vehicle prices, and the availability of public transportation.

Ts-Ipass (Telangana State Industrial Project Approval and Self Certification System)

8. List down the top 5 sectors that have witnessed the most significant investments in FY 2022.

These sectors collectively accounted for over 70% of the total investments in Telangana during FY 2022, demonstrating their crucial role in the state's economic prosperity.

9. List down the top 3 districts that have attracted the most significant sector investments during FY 2019 to 2022. What factors could have led to the substantial investments in these particular districts?

Factors Contributing to the Substantial Investments in the top 3 Districts




 10. Is there any relationship between district investments, vehicle sales, and stamp revenue within the same district between FY 2021 and 2022?

There is no clear relationship between district investments, vehicle sales, and stamps revenue within the same district between FY 2021 and 2022. The relationship between these three factors is complex and can vary depending on a number of other factors.

11. Are there any particular sectors that have shown substantial investment in multiple districts between FY 2021 and 2022?

Yes, there are a few particular sectors that have shown substantial investment in multiple districts between FY 2021 and 2022. These sectors are:

 12. Can we identify any seasonal patterns or cyclicality in the investment trends for specific sectors? Do certain sectors experience higher investments during particular months?

Unfortunately, I am unable to say definitively whether or not there are any seasonal trends in investment trends for specific sectors due to the limitations of my data. My data only includes January of each year from 2019 to 2023.

Secondary Research: (Need additional research and get additional data)

1. What are the top 5 districts to buy commercial properties in Telangana? Justify your answer.

The top 5 districts to buy commercial properties in Telangana:

These areas are attractive for commercial real estate investment due to their strong economies, growing business sectors, and proximity to important locations such as the IT hub and the airport. However, it is important to do thorough research and understand the local market conditions before making a decision.

2. What significant policies or initiatives were put into effect to enhance economic growth, investments, and employment in Telangana by the current government? Can we quantify the impact of these policies using available data?

3. Provide top 5 Insights & 5 recommendations to the Telangana government for sustained growth in the next 5 years based on your analysis.

