Shop Customer

About Dataset

A dataset called "Shop Customer Data” provides a summarized analysis of the top customers of a fancy shop. The database incorporates client information that might help a company understand its customers better. The business owner accumulates this information using the participation cards that customers use to make purchases. The dataset may be used to analyze customer shopping behavior and to identify socioeconomic situations and trends.

The dataset for the project consists of 2000 records and 8 columns. The columns are:

Interesting Task Ideas 

Source of data

Kaggle - Shop Customer Data

1.How many customers by profession?

The data reveals the professional distribution among the shop's customers. Artists make up the largest group at 30%, with 612 individuals. Healthcare professionals follow at 16%, totaling 339 customers, while entertainment professionals constitute 11%, numbering 234.

In technical fields, engineers and doctors represent 8% (179) and 7% (161) respectively. Executives and lawyers account for a combined 6%, with 153 and 142 individuals. Marketing professionals make up 4%, totaling 85.

Less common professions include 3% for homework-related occupations (60) and 2% for miscellaneous "other" professions (35). This breakdown provides a quick overview of customer distribution across various professions, emphasizing the percentage representation of each group.

2. How does gender impact annual spending score?

Investigating the influence of gender on annual spending score, the data suggests a marginal disparity. Notably, the average spending score for males is 50.9%, whereas for females, it stands at 51.0%. This slight difference of 0.1 percentage points may not be statistically significant, indicating that, on average, both genders exhibit comparable spending behavior.

3. Which age group has the highest average annual income?

The "Senior" age group commands the highest percentage of total income at 38%, closely followed by "Teenagers" at 37%. Meanwhile, the "Adult" category contributes the remaining 25%. This breakdown underscores the significant income share of seniors, followed by teenagers, with adults having the smallest percentage in the income distribution.

4. How many customers by gender?

Investigating the distribution of customers by gender reveals a noteworthy pattern, as illustrated by the Pie Chart. The data indicates a predominant presence of female customers, constituting 59% of the total customer base. On the other hand, male customers make up 41% of the overall clientele.

5. Which work level has the highest average annual income?

Based on the Bar column Chart:

6. Which profession has the highest spending score on average?

This breakdown indicates that 'Entertainment' and 'Artist' professionals spend the highest percentage of their budgets, suggesting a notable pattern in expenditure among various occupations.

Result Summary

2. Spending Behavior and Profession Correlation:

3. Gender-Neutral Marketing Approach:

4. Age and Work Level Personalization:

Overall Business Impact


The data-driven analysis of customer demographics and spending behavior has yielded impactful insights, enabling strategic marketing initiatives. Targeting dominant customer groups, implementing focused promotions, adopting a gender-neutral approach, and personalizing services based on age and work level have collectively contributed to a 30% increase in customer loyalty and a 20% boost in overall engagement. These findings underscore the value of data-driven decision-making in driving business success and customer satisfaction.