Spatial associations among scaling properties of urban performance

"Spatial disparity of urban performance from a scaling perspective: a study of industrial features associated with economy, infrastructure, and innovation"

Spatial association, cities, power law scaling rule, industrial features

What is the pace of development of Australian cities? Our urban system is developing from multiple perspectives, and how these features are associated? See our work here: 

Zehua Zhang, Yongze Song, Nicholas Archer & Peng Wu (2023) Spatial disparity of urban performance from a scaling perspective: a study of industrial features associated with economy, infrastructure, and innovation, GIScience & Remote Sensing, 60:1, DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2023.2167567 

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This study has general results on Australian urban scaling development and specific spatial association results on industrial scaling features. In general, the study validates the consistency of the scaling development among Australian cities with the power-law theory and the similarity of scaling disparity features among top-populated cities. In specific, the urban innovation indicator and the income level are predominantly and positively associated factors with industrial companies and employees, indicating that the innovation growth and economic development in Australian cities would stimulate the performance of industrial companies and the employment scale.