
Zehua Zhang has a globally recognized record of outstanding academic achievements in smart city and spatial analysis research. He has made both academic and practical knowledge contributions to guiding continental-level smart city and land use design with sustainability and promoting innovation growth in geospatial computing fields. He is also dedicated to serving society and industries with diligent work and excellent communication skills. Prior to his research career, his excellent academic performance in geospatial has been accredited by the top Australian tertiary education provider. He was offered three high-quality and merit-based awards and scholarships by the University of Melbourne and the European Union. 

Academic Roles at Curtin University


Merit-based Awards and Scholarships Received

Professional Services

Invited and accepted to be a reviewer for articles from International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Sustainable Cities and Society, and Environment International.

Language skills

Mandarin Chinese: Native 

English: Proficient (equivalent to 7.5 overall and all skills no less than 7 in IELTS)