Talks & Posters

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Title: Flash poster: If there is a receptor for Nitric Oxide, Is there a receptor for Oxygen?


Download the poster in PDF format.

Title: Gasoreceptors: Gas-sensing proteins that trigger gasocrine signaling via diverse pathways.

Title: Zebrafish ligand-receptor interactome atlas 

Event: Understand and Describe Life Conference organized by Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań 

Date: 14.11.2023.

Manuscript: Chodkowski M et al., iScience 2023.

Title: "Blind men and an elephant": The need for animal research..

Manuscript: Anbalagan S. AMEM 2023.

Title: What is Gasocrine?

Manuscript: Anbalagan S. AJP Endo & Metabol. 2024.