Homozygous diploid zebra fish have been produced on a large scale by the application of simple physical treatments. Clones of homozygous fish have been produced from individual homozygotes. These clones and associated genetic methods mil facilitate genetic analyses of this vertebrate.

OK, the Japanese don't eat spiders - as a matter of fact, zebra tarantulas, as Haplopelma albostriatum are affectionately known, don't even exist naturally in Japan. But lately, Japanese cuisine is expanding and with several bug-eating countries in the vicinity, it was only a matter of time before we started seeing local products like the Takeo Tokyo Edible Zebra Tarantula. Which, as the name says, contains an actual spider cooked, dehydrated, salted, and ready to eat.

Zebra Artikel

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The Takeo Tokyo Edible Zebra Tarantula features:Ingredients: 1 edible zebra tarantula (Haplopelma albostriatum) spider, saltStore away from direct sunlight, high temperatures, and humid conditionsBest consumed within 1 month from production dateCountry of origin: ThailandMay vary from imagesNot recommended for people with shrimp or shellfish allergiesInstructions: Japanese

Last week, rumours began spreading that the polka-dot zebra had been captured, placed in a truck and transported out of the Mara to be sold. One post on a private Kenyan Facebook group shared a screenshot of the claim to its more than 100,000 followers.

But some of the top shark scientists in the world believe this effort has a shot at working. And zebra sharks may be just the beginning. This new group, calling itself ReShark, is already assessing plans to apply the same approach to other shark species in different parts of the world.

This region has since protected sharks, and Ichida was here to jumpstart an ambitious rewilding operation. She held in her hands the first captive animal that would be freed in these waters, a young zebra shark called Charlie, named for a West Papuan provincial official who'd championed this project.

Reintroductions also can fail. Young sharks can succumb to disease, get eaten by bigger sharks, or struggle to find food. Most shark species also give birth to live young, which are harder to care for in captivity than those that develop inside eggs, like zebra sharks do.

1993 wurde der Verein zur Frderung der Senologie/Brustklinik e.V. in Dsseldorf gegrndet. Ziel ist die Verbesserung der Behandlung von Brustkrebs durch Weiterentwicklung von Technik, Wissenschaft und Behandlungskonzepten. Das Brustkrebs-Beratungs-Zentrum zebra ist Deutschlands erste zentrale Beratungs-Einrichtung fr an Brustkrebs Erkrankte und Angehrige.

Indien de consument een artikel beschadigd, onvolledig, bevuild zou terugsturen, kan De Kleine Zebra aanspraak maken op een schadevergoeding die overeenstemt met de waardevermindering die het goed ondergaan heeft (zie artikel VI.51, 2 van het Wetboek van economisch recht). Deze waardevermindering wordt steeds geval per geval bekeken en berekend.

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How well can a bird discriminate between two red berries on a green background? The absolute threshold of colour discrimination is set by photoreceptor noise, but animals do not perform at this threshold; their performance can depend on additional factors. In humans and zebra finches, discrimination thresholds for colour stimuli depend on background colour, and thus the adaptive state of the visual system. We have tested how well chickens can discriminate shades of orange or green presented on orange or green backgrounds. Chickens discriminated slightly smaller colour differences between two stimuli presented on a similarly coloured background, compared with a background of very different colour. The slope of the psychometric function was steeper when stimulus and background colours were similar but shallower when they differed markedly, indicating that background colour affects the certainty with which the animals discriminate the colours. The effect we find for chickens is smaller than that shown for zebra finches. We modelled the response to stimuli using Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation and implemented the psychometric function to estimate the effect size. We found that the result is independent of the psychophysical method used to evaluate the effect of experimental conditions on choice performance.

N2 - How well can a bird discriminate between two red berries on a green background? The absolute threshold of colour discrimination is set by photoreceptor noise, but animals do not perform at this threshold; their performance can depend on additional factors. In humans and zebra finches, discrimination thresholds for colour stimuli depend on background colour, and thus the adaptive state of the visual system. We have tested how well chickens can discriminate shades of orange or green presented on orange or green backgrounds. Chickens discriminated slightly smaller colour differences between two stimuli presented on a similarly coloured background, compared with a background of very different colour. The slope of the psychometric function was steeper when stimulus and background colours were similar but shallower when they differed markedly, indicating that background colour affects the certainty with which the animals discriminate the colours. The effect we find for chickens is smaller than that shown for zebra finches. We modelled the response to stimuli using Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation and implemented the psychometric function to estimate the effect size. We found that the result is independent of the psychophysical method used to evaluate the effect of experimental conditions on choice performance.

AB - How well can a bird discriminate between two red berries on a green background? The absolute threshold of colour discrimination is set by photoreceptor noise, but animals do not perform at this threshold; their performance can depend on additional factors. In humans and zebra finches, discrimination thresholds for colour stimuli depend on background colour, and thus the adaptive state of the visual system. We have tested how well chickens can discriminate shades of orange or green presented on orange or green backgrounds. Chickens discriminated slightly smaller colour differences between two stimuli presented on a similarly coloured background, compared with a background of very different colour. The slope of the psychometric function was steeper when stimulus and background colours were similar but shallower when they differed markedly, indicating that background colour affects the certainty with which the animals discriminate the colours. The effect we find for chickens is smaller than that shown for zebra finches. We modelled the response to stimuli using Bayesian and maximum likelihood estimation and implemented the psychometric function to estimate the effect size. We found that the result is independent of the psychophysical method used to evaluate the effect of experimental conditions on choice performance.

Zebra adalah hewan dari Afrika yang dikenal akan tubuhnya yang berbelang hitam-putih. Terdapat tiga spesies yang masih ada saat ini, yaitu zebra grvy (Equus grevyi), zebra dataran (E. quagga), dan zebra gunung (E. zebra). Zebra merupakan bagian dari genus Equus seperti halnya kuda dan keledai. Ketiganya merupakan kelompok yang masih tersisa dari famili Equidae. Setiap individu zebra memiliki pola belang-belang yang khas. Terdapat beberapa teori mengenai fungsi dari belang-belang tersebut, dan teori yang paling banyak didukung oleh bukti adalah sebagai perlindungan dari gigitan lalat. Zebra menghuni bagian timur dan selatan Afrika, dan dapat ditemui di berbagai jenis habitat seperti sabana, padang rumput, daerah berhutan, lahan bersemak, dan daerah bergunung. (Selengkapnya...)

Hierdie artikel bestudeer die vasgewortelde vrees vir"gevaarlike kennis". Daar word aangevoer dat die"de-uitwissingsbeweging", gemik op die hervestiging vanlangverdwene spesies, grootliks verstaan word deur die lens van eensleutelverhaal--die mite van Frankenstein. Drie van hierdiede-uitwissingsprojekte word ondersoek: die mammoet, kwagga en buidelwolf. Diemanier waarop hierdie projekte verstaan is, word gebruik om vrese random dieaanmatigende misbruik van tegnologie te analiseer. Die artikel fokus op diemag van mitiese narratiewe in hul verklaring maar ook hul vorming van diewetenskap in die samelewing, soos hulle ook meer genuanseerde ideesverdoesel. Diepliggende narratiewe kan inderdaad wetenskaplike ondersoekbei'nvloed.

In fact, in the same year, three biochemists at Berkeley--AllanWilson, Russell Higuchi (who later joined private company Roche MolecularSystems Inc.) and Svante Paabo went to work on the preserved skin of along-dead quagga. The quagga was (is?) a zebra-like creature striated on itsforequarters, becoming light brown along its rear and underbelly, with longwhite socks. The scientists extracted sufficient DNA to determine some of itssequences of base pairs, the molecular rungs that link the two spiral halvesof a DNA molecule. They found that the quagga was much closer kin to themodern plains zebra than previously realised. (In fact, there was a suite ofshifting debates historically over whether the quagga was an entirelyseparate species, or even more closely related to the horse than to otherzebras.) DNA analysis thus settled an old zoological argument about theantecedents of the quagga, but more important, it demonstrated that it ispossible to make useful new breakthroughs from very old DNA. 2351a5e196

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