Thank you for the post. I feel comfortable editing the code to change the buzzer; however, I never edited firmware before. Could you run me through some instructions on how to edit Plane or Rover firmware? And what possible software I would need to edit the firmware / libraries? Thank you so much.

The idea is when the ultrasonic sensor detects an obstacle, as the obstacles become closer the sensor the volume increases.

The code is working and my problem is 1. the sound of the piezo buzzer is very loud, i tried using earphone the sound was still the same , so how can i decrease the sound of the buzzer??

and 2. aside from that i saw codes for melody of the arduino but i don't know how to combine it with this codes.

I've been searching in the internet for how many days but i don't know what i should i do to fix this


I am using ( Us 100 Ultrasonic sensor, Piezo Buzzer (5v)/earphone , 220ohm resistor, and Gizduino v4.0 (clone of arduino uno)

I really need your help,


Thanks in advance!

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Hi, measure the resistance of the buzzer, then place a resistor the same value as the buzzer in series with it, see how much this drops the volume.

The more resistance to quieter the buzzer should be.

If the buzzer does not work with half the value try a value lower in resisitance.

I'm not sure if this was the original intention but changing the pitch (tone) of the sound is vastly more useful than (trying to) change the volume in making a perceptible and estimable difference. Also that the piezo will resonate at certain frequencies and become much louder.

i tried to put resistors(3 pieces of 10k and 3 pieces of 1k ohms) in my breadboard to decrease the volume of the buzzer and volume of the buzzer change a little bit , so i am thinking to put more resistors to decrease the volume .. hmm so what do think..?

i really want to decrease the volume, because i am planning to change my piezo disc buzzer to earphone for my project,

A buzzer is a mechanical device, much like the claxon of a car.

It makes a single tone when connected to a DC voltage (+ printed on it).

Used in e.g. in barcode scanners, checkout till etc.

Not so easy to reduce the volume. Try a lower voltage, or series resistor.

Not good to make them work with a tone or PWM.

You are controlling the buzzer with the tone library, so simply experiment with the frequency until it moves nearly out of your hearing range. Naturally, it could still be a misery for those with better (maybe younger ) ears.

Anyone know how to turn down the buzzer sound on 2k21? Long story short, my fianc works overnights and he has off tonight. My neighbors suck. So is there any way to turn that particular sound off or turn it down at least? He uses Xbox. He likes to play through our TV, headsets are annoying. He is muting it really quick every time right now. :\

Some types of buzzer can perform better when driven by an H bridge (motor driver or similar) which reverses the polarity at a chosen frequency. However, this is not appropriate for all types. I once used, incidentally, a defective sugar cube relay as quite an effective buzzer by driving it at around 50Hz.

Because a piezo is basically a capacitor.

The transistor charges the capacitor, and that's it. No more sound.

The resistor is there to discharge the cap during the passive part of the square wave,

The idea is to replicate the code in C into Assembly, which I need for my project. However, when I run this code, nothing happens. I know the wiki code is probably using a buzzer with a different processing speed but any help regarding this would be greatly appreciated.

Otherwise, if I just wanted to make the buzzing sound less loud (no gradual change as described above), would a resistor do the trick? should the resistor be connected in parallel (reducing the current to the coil) or connected in series (reducing the voltage over the coil)?

Depending on current, a small-value NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor such as this in series might work. When cold, the resistance is high, and as it warms, it drops, making the buzzer louder. But that depends on the current to the coil, and the open-circuit voltage. If not enough power is dissipated in the thermistor, it won't warm enough to bring up the volume of the buzzer.

So i'm trying to make a mini "security system" to check if i left my door open. Basically i have a Raspberry pi with a sensor that check if the door is opened or not if i left it openet a buzzer should make a beep to tell me that i left it open.I saw the SystemSounds.Beep.Play(); from the System.Media library, but how do i put it in my doorIsOpen method?

Buzzer - 6 Variations! This is the sound of an alarm buzzer that can be used in your video games, trivia games, quiz shows, board games, interface buttons or web projects. It's a classic sound of a warning, wrong answer, error or access denied. Adding more reverb to the sound will create a perfect alarm buzzer for prison, military or any guarded facility. Use these alarming sounds in your action packed or adventure projects or shows and quizzes and you will rule the world! Enjoy this one!

However, if you look at the article, look at option 5, which solves this type of use case by doing it in reverse. Instead of finding a Sounder device that you turn on and off, you choose a power outage alarm that will sound when it loses power. Then you plug that into a smart pocket socket. So the sensor activity is detected, smartthings turns off the smart plug, and the device sounds.

You can find quite a few of these Power outage Notification devices that plug-in. They are commonly used for refrigerators/freezers, but also for medical devices like CPAP machines. They vary a lot in the tone and volume, but the sounder device itself typically costs less than $15. Then you need a smart plug to plug it into.

I tested this on remote desktop connection with sound (as not in office) and all was good. So this should allow you to play any sound using this technique shown above, for when you want an alert sound to play.

I hope this is what you are after to get the desired results.

The LowePro PhotoSport Outdoor is a camera pack for photographers who also need a well-designed daypack for hiking and other outdoor use. If that sounds like you, the PhotoSport Outdoor may be a great choice, but as with any hybrid product, there are a few tradeoffs.

This circuit should be working, but for some reason the buzzer doesn't sound. I pushed the buzzer into the breadboard as hard as I could, I put the + side to positive and the - side to negative but it still doesnt work :(. How can I fix this?

Quick curiosity question: When I was doing electricity in school, the teacher just called the buzzers 'buzzers' but when I started doing arduino I noticed that the arduino community seems to call them 'Piezo buzzers/piezo speakers'. Is there any significance in the word 'Piezo' and should I start referring to them as 'Piezo buzzers' myself?

Buzzer coils get locked if a higher voltage is applied to the terminals - it could be 5-9 V. Once it gets locked it won't work even if you put direct battery to it. The only solution is to first take out your buzzer and give it a reverse voltage that will get the coil out of the lock position, then put 180  resistor and run. It will work and it will never lock again.

I must be missing something but I cannot seem to get any sound out of CPlus internal buzzer. I'm not sure if the Speaker Commands pertain to the internal buzzer or only the external hat speaker. I am using UIFlow but can do an Execute command if necessary.

@se Ok I found that the buzzer is connected to GPIO2 so used a PWM and am able to get a very low volume tone out if it. So, can someone tell me how to get a usable audio level out of this little buzzer.

The use of a high-compression and high-sound quality algorithm reduces the amount of memory needed to store audio data and makes it possible to install both multiple languages and a large library of background music. Epson also provides a voice creation PC tool that supports 12 languages and allows users to easily create multilingual voice data without requiring studio recording as a voice data development environment. Users can also use existing Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) data.

On two different occasions i had a loud buzzing noise I think it comes from the engine department. Sounds like a buzzer of some sort. The engine temperature is in the right zone, the lights including the accessory light bars are all off and I heard the sound only two different times that continues until I turnoff the key. I restart the motor and dont hear the buzzing sound. I have gas so I am not running out.. The last time I heard the buzz the gas gauge indicated I had one bar of gas left. After I loaded it on the trailer and got home, the gauge indicated two bars??? Both locations were on a reasonable level ground.

My guess is the sound may be the pressure relief valve on the gas tank. If the tank gets warm as the fuel is burned the valve has to release pressure and sometimes sounds like a ballon when you stretch the neck. Next time you hear it open the fuel cap on the gas tank and see if it stops immediately, if yes the valve is working just noisey, the valve is located on top of the tank where you unscrew the top to replace the fuel pump. There is a more detailed write up in the builds section.? 2351a5e196

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