can you please confirm the exact model number on the UPS?

SURT5000XLT/SURT5000XLI uses a DB-9 connector on the back of it for communication and you need the cable part number of 940-0024 or 940-1524 to establish the connection. it is a DB-9 to DB-9 cable. the port settings on that are those that you tried: 2400 bps, N, 8, 1, no flow control. it wont work though if you arent using the APC cable I mentioned.

if the unit is a SURTD5000XLT /SURTD5000XLI (notice the D in the part number), then the communication port you need to be plugging into is RJ-45 and I believe it is labeled "communication" or "serial." It is NOT the one located on the actual network management card (AP9617, AP9618, or AP9619). the cable required for this is a 940-1525A cable and is RJ-45 to DB9. The port settings for this unit are different and it uses a baud rate of 9600. the rest of the settings are the same: 9600 bps, N, 8, 1, no flow control.

you will want to make sure the status lights on the network management card are lit up too for status and link.

by default, the network management cards are set up for DHCP/BOOTP but also require option 43 (which is a vendor cookie) to be set up on the DHCP/BOOTP server before it will accept the address. this is an option you can disable once you gain access to the card if you'd like.

[check this article out on the different ways to configure the NMC|]

hope that helps!

I have a device which connects via serial port. I communicate with it via Windows Hyper Terminal. I'm just wondering, what protocol does it use? As you probably, know hyper terminal can display and accept input as well. It's a two way communication.

Download Hyperterminal For Serial Communication

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Currently I m doin this project on communication between Arduino UNO and Hyperterminal through XBee WiFi module. I ad configured the WiFi module using SKXbee with X-CTU and it also works fine when communicating between X-CTU and Hyperterminal.

But problems came when the module was tested with UNO and Hyperterminal. The Arduino was able to send message to Hyperterminal, bt then the arduino couldn't receive message from the Hyperterminal.

My Arduino Codes:

I'm a newbie in ARM and in Keil Microvision IDE. I downloaded anexample from st site, which allows to communicate via serial portwith an hyperterminal.

I compile then download the program in the ARM7. When I am indebugging mode, I can see the program works properly thanks to serialwindow inside Microvision.

But When I want to use hyperterminal on my PC to communicate withSTR7, nothing happens...I take care of using correct settings forserial comm, same settings than in STR7.

Yes, I assume it's correct because I use a RS232 cable with pin 2and pin 3 (Rx and Tx) twisted. I used this cable to communicatebetween 2 PC via hyperterminal and it's OK. I read that I have to usethis type of cable to communicate between STR7 and Hyperterminal.

uVision communicates with the ARM boards made by Keil thru theJTAG port. So the fact that uVision communicates with the boardwouldn't/shouldn't have anything to do with the serial ports workingwith hyperterminal.

Respected All,


Iam a student and doing a project using MSP430G2553 micro controller, in one part of my project i want to establish serial communication between MSP430 and hyper terminal of my computer using RS485 electrical connection.

iam working on IAR workbench and through that only i telling that my TXBUF and RXBUF are working fine after checking register's.


iam also using RS485 to RS232 converter (is there is problem with this? but it is working fine when iam sending data from hyperterminal.....)to connect through my PC.

i kept the breakpoint at UCA0TXBUF = tx[i++] in Tx is getting executed as soon as iam sending "a" character from hyperterminal........and for the rest character's it will not execute..........(in rx ISR i kept condition like to respond only when u receive "a")

what i got is you are asking me to put some delay before switching RS485 transceiver IC in transmitter mode.. am i right? Since i am switching my transceiver IC after i receiver character from my hyperterminal i.e in RX i will try putting delay in RXISR that Ok Sir?

I can guarantee you this should work with hyperterminal. The next step is to eliminate the receiving routine, that you know it is working, and focus on the transmission. Set the direction for your RS485 high all the time and transmit a character every so often. Measure the voltage on the direction pin and confirm it is high. Send a character at 1-second intervals. Make sure the character is in ASC code, so if for instance you are trying to send the letter "A" use decimal 65.


Programmable industrial equipment has long been a staple for automation in manufacturing environments. The capability to remotely program and run electrical safety testing equipment is a more recent development. Since fully automated electrical safety testing systems can be cost prohibitive, SCI has released a series of electrical safety testing instruments with PC communication capability at a cost effective price. The SCI 290 series, 4320 and 6330 cover the full range of electrical safety testing as well as having an optional USB or RS-232 communication port for PC programming.

Users new to programming SCI safety testers may have difficulty getting started or troubleshooting communication with an instrument. A simple solution to assist users with basic communication or troubleshooting communication problems is using the HyperTerminal program. HyperTerminal is a program that can be used for simple communication with test instrumentation via a serial port. It allows user to send basic ASCII commands to SCI test units and receive queries to ensure proper functionality. This paper will outline setting up a HyperTerminal session as well as communicating with SCI test equipment.

There are five fields that must be set in order for the SCI tester to properly communicate with the PC: baud rate (or bits per second), data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control. SCI units require the following communication port settings for null modem communication (figure 3):


Setting up a HyperTerminal session with a SCI safety tester offers a simple method for communicating with the instrument. Whether the user would like to familiarize them with the command set, get example queries or troubleshoot potential communication problems, HyperTerminal communication with SCI instruments offer this unique flexibility at low cost.

Hyperterminal is a communication program that is included free with Windows 95 and later. In a normal installation of Windows 95 or later, Hyperterminal is automatically installed under Programs:Accessories, so you access it as follows:

Sorry for the confusion I took another look at the documentations and think i have a better understanding on what you are asking. You should be able to use the USB port to connect to the gateway with anybus configuration manager (ACM) to set the IO size and similar settings. To then configure the ASI side you will need to connect though hyperterminal. Where you can access the menus as seen in the ASI guide.

Using AT commands

When using a modem, you can type AT and press [Enter] in the HyperTerminal connection to test communications. You should receive an OK message if your settings are correct and the modem is working, as shown in Figure A.

Other troubleshooting methods

There are a few other ways to perform diagnostics on a modem and issue special configuration commands. For diagnostics, open the Control Panel and then open the Phone And Modem Options object. Click the Modems tab, select the modem, and click Properties. Use the Diagnostics tab (Figure B) to query the modem and view the modem log when troubleshooting communications problems.

I have a S7 -3125 2PN/DP PLC and I want to communicate with a PC using hyperterminal, for example I want to send out a word such as 'Hello' and be able to view this on hyperterminal and vice versa. How do I do this

Hi J_Bell

I now have my PLC. My PLC TCP/IP is and looking under properties and address in the hardware configthe address2046, so i made the local port address in FC 97 to 2046, I dont know what to put for the remote address. My PC address is Using the example I still dont have comms with hyperterminal. Please assist

Hyperterminal is a communications program that isincluded free with Windows 95 and later. Although the program has somequirks, it's handy for sending data to serial displays. This tip sheetshows how to configure the program, and lists some known peculiarities.

Hyperterminal's publisher, Hilgraeve, offersfree and low-cost upgrades to the program, as well as more advancedcommunication software. It's very likely that most or all of the issueslisted here will be solved by downloading a new release from their site.

In 1995, Hilgraeve licensed a low-end version of HyperACCESS, known as HyperTerminal, to Microsoft for use in their set of communications utilities. It was bundled with Windows 95 through Windows XP, but is no longer bundled with Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or later Windows.

I have connected mc to a pc using USB. I need data on hyperterminal through serial to USB connection, hence I connected TX, RX and gnd pins of the Leonardo to the rs232 pins and one other side of rs232 to USB to pc. However, the data is still transmitting on serial monitor, but not on hyperterminal.

Rather than write their own terminal emulation app, Microsoft chose to license one from Hilgraeve and bundle it with Windows 95. As a guy who used to write a whole lot of serial communication code in a past life, I can tell you that HyperTerminal was* a pretty damn robust terminal applet. Certainly far more application than we'd have ever gotten from Microsoft. 2351a5e196

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