As I straddle life between the young and the old, I don\u2019t think there has ever been a song that has resonated with me quite as much as \u201CVienna\u201D. I have tremendous respect for both stages of life and those lyrics have become somewhat of a long mantra for me, informing both my parenting/teaching style and my daughterly decisions. \u201CThis is what it all comes to if you\u2019re fortunate\u201D I told my kids one night when we went out to dinner this week and discussed growing old. I don\u2019t stress too much about keeping up with the fever pitch that seems to be so popular with parents these days. We, as a family, do less. I care very little about grades and other nonsense and a lot more about the kinds of humans they\u2019re becoming. To answer Billy\u2019s question, I have realized that Vienna waits for all of us and to quote another one of my favorites, \u2018as we stand upon the ledges of our lives, it\u2019s either sadness or euphoria.\u2019 Rather than try to solve all the problems today, take a minute and listen to both of these gems. Slow down, you crazy child.

While it is easy to become distracted with the glitz and glamour culture of instant gratification, understand Vienna waits for you. Invest time into the process while enjoying the journey. Allow your mind and spirit to be energized with the affirmation each day that "No matter what you do, be good at it, and whenever you get there, you get there."

Vienna Waits For You Hindi Dubbed Movie Download

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While it is easy to become distracted with the glitz and glamour culture of instant gratification, understand Vienna waits for you. Invest time into the process while enjoying the journey. Allow your mind and spirit to be energized with the affirmation each day that \\\"No matter what you do, be good at it, and whenever you get there, you get there.\\\"

Vienna waits for you. I've never been to Vienna, but I think I know what he means. What is your Vienna? I'm asking myself this lately. What is that dream of yours that you might be missing because you're "so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need?" Slow down you crazy child! It's so weird -- we have to slow down so we can speed up our dreams? Hard to understand but it's true. You can get what you want or you can just get old.

If I'm so smart then why am I still so afraid? So much good stuff in this song -- I think I know now why it's sticking in my head so much. But there is one part where I take issue with the fine Mr. Joel. I don't believe that only fools are satisfied. I get what he's saying and I always strive for self-improvement. But I intend to be satisfied. And I do believe that dream can come true. That's why I don't take relationship advice from Billy Joel. And he had something to say to me about that: "Though you can see when you're wrong, you know you can't always see when you're right. You're right." So I guess I must be. Vienna waits for me!

How bad are the waits for tickets in a line at Schoenbrunn since their website wants you to have a timed entry and advance ticket?

(18 years ago it was just walk up and go, but I see they now have this large visitor center and tourbus zone that I don't remember being there.)

To me, this song is about a child who wants so much, and is rushing and trying to change everything to get everything she wants. She has big dreams, and she wants them all realzed now. The narrorator is reminding her that she can't make these things happen.. her dreams, her Vienna, waits for her.

I love this song. I can't believe nobody has posted on this one yet. I heard it for the first time on a rerun of Taxi when I was probably 10 years old. I searched all over the Internet last year until I found it, and then I bought The Stranger album. Anyway, to me, this song is pretty self-explanatory. The narrator is just telling this "crazy child" to enjoy life more. Maybe he's a college student who is freaking out about having to go into the real world soon ("if you're so smart tell me why are you still so afraid?"). He's telling the kid to calm down because there is plenty of time to get life in order. He's encouraging him to keep looking forward to the future ("dream on/But don't imagine they'll all come true") without committing himself to it yet ("you can't be everything you want to be before your time"). Vienna symbolizes some kind of future happiness. It isn't going to pass him by because "Vienna waits for you". This is a really hopeful song. The overall message reminds me of John Lennon's "Instant Karma" - "we all shine on/like the moon and the stars and the sun." Basically, everything is going to be alright.

i read somewhere that billy wrote this song while visiting vienna, after watching an elderly woman proudly sweeping the sidewalk in front of her home. apparently he was inspired by how much old age and wisdom were appreciated there. i think "vienna waits for you" is saying don't be in such a hurry to move life along. everything, including your "vienna," will come in due time.

Billy Joel talked about this one on storytellers, his father, whom he didn't met until he was an adult, was living in vienna. When Billy went ot visit him, he saw an old woman sweeping the street, and thought that was horrible. His father said he was wrong, the old ladies life stilled served a purpose, she had something to contribute to the community, not put out pasture. It was a revelation for Billy, that he didn't have to do it all while he was still young, he could slow down and enjoy things a little. The Musical style is influenced by the score of "The Third Man", a fine Orson Welles film.The Crazy child juvenile is Billy Joel.

I think in this lyric, Vienna could be referencing life. Life waits for you, and you do not have to work yourself out so hard and become burnt out in your youthful years. It is okay to take days off and rest your mind and body.

Sometimes, that playlist has some old-school surprises that bring back childhood memories and make me wonder, \u201Cwhy is this kid listening to this song?\u201D One regular on her dad-car-playlist is \u201CVienna\u201D by Billy Joel. It\u2019s a quirky piano tune with wonderfully philosophical lyrics about taking life slowly. One chorus ends with, \u201CWhy don\u2019t you realize? Vienna waits for you. When will you realize? Vienna waits for you.\u201D It\u2019s a lovely song.

Like many daughters and fathers, we have a special bond. I call her my \u201Cfavorite\u201D daughter (she has two brothers) and in turn she calls me her \u201Cfavorite\u201D dad. As I pulled the creaking van onto Route 9 southbound, the inside empty except for me and my thoughts, I started humming \u201CVienna\u201D and the lyrics that popped into my head were a little different than Billy Joel. \u201CWhy don\u2019t you realize? Siena waits for you. When will you realize? Siena waits for you.\u201D Of course, I started to cry. 2351a5e196

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