Prospective students/postdocs

Interested in student projects?  Contact me directly to see what's available. 

Projects available include

Australian students

PhD students: If you have an Australia Postgraduate Award, I have multiple projects for you to choose from. These can include physics, biochemistry, chemistry, experimental work in the lab and at international X-ray free-electron laser facilities and 4th generation synchrotrons, exchange programs to visit someone in my very broad international collaboration network (all over the US, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Spain). Contact me for opportunities!

Swinburne University Postgraduate Research Awards

In 2024, Swinburne Research Scholarships are open for application during two scholarship rounds (for domestica and international students):

How to apply and more info: 

USA and Australia exchange: 

Funds scholarship for Masters and PhD students from USA studying in Australia, and from Australia studying in USA:

The DAAD program has some support for Austarlian students doing some research in Germany temporarily : 


Also, through collaboration with La Trobe reearchers, we have some PhD scholarships available through a EuXFEL & La Trobe joint PhD program, which include some time working at the European XFEL or Center for Free-Electron Laser Science. These can be focused on X-ray physics, engineering, or biochem.  Email me to find out more.