What are UST's?

An UTAU Sequence Text (UST) is basically digital sheet music that lets the UTAU program know what notes to play, how the notes should be sung, and what words to sing. Not only are there A LOT of components that go into making a UST but music theory is also used to make the correct melody and harmonies for a song. Because of this, it's ethical to give credit to the people who made the original UST's. As far as whether you can redistribute them, that will vary between each UST creator. As for me, you can totally do that as long as you give me credit. After all, UST distribution is part of the backbone of the UTAU community. Just make sure you at least change the tunings to make the UST your own in some way. It's kind of lazy if you don't change anything.


Composer: nikki

UST's: Charlieisntthere

Piano audio: ZaneChihuahua

Ai Dee

Composer: Mitchie M

UST's: (CV and VCV Japanese) felichanxx [I changed this quite a bit] (CVVC Delta English) ZaneChihuahua

The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku

Composer: cosMo@bousouP

UST's: Lmocinemod (I changed this quite a bit and added the talking parts.) 

Dreamin Chuchu

Composer: emon

UST's: HiepTran様  (Melody: I changed this quite a bit) and ZaneChihuahua (Male Melody and all Harmonies)

paint the world

Composer: 芳田 yoshida

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

Voice Sample

Composer: VOCALOID Staff?

UST: ZaneChihuahua

GETCHA! (Self Cover Version)

Composer: Giga & KIRA

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

Mixed Nuts (TikTok Duet)

Original Arranger: @tokanoya

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

Mixed Nuts (Spy × Family OP1)

Composer: Official Hige Dandism

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)

Composer: David Seville and Alvin and the Chipmunks

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

Miss You (TikTok Duet)

Composer: Oliver Tree & Robin Schulz

UST's: ZaneChihuahua

Dream On ft. Kasane Teto

Composer: Aerosmith

UST: ZaneChihuahua

A Sunny Day Is Watching Over You

Composer: Triodust

UST: ZaneChihuahua

English Translations: Studio Klondike

Holy Lance Explosion Boy

Composer: れるりり (rerulili)

UST: たーさん (Taasan) and ZaneChihuahua (I changed a lot of these and added a lower harmony part)

Don Gara Shan

Composer: ATOLS

UST: Zoë
MIDI: ZaneChihuahua