Personal Pieces

A collection of pixel art I've created based on characters and designs that inspired me over the years.

Note: While these are all original pixel art works, they mainly feature characters and likenesses that I do not own!

Lil Nas X in "SUN GOES DOWN" (284x160, 2021)

Min Min from the game Arms (160x90, 2020)

Kirby in Space (240x135, 2019)

Childish Gambino in "This is America" (300x150, 2018)

Henry from "Eraserhead" (200x100, 2018)

A "Vineshroom" drawn as fanart for the streamer Vinesauce Vinny (160x90, 2018)

A Melty Tommy Wiseau, drawn as fanart for the streamer Vinesauce Vinny (200x80, 2018)