

4. Z.Fehily, Inverse reduction for hook-type W-algebras, arXiv:2306.14673 [math.QA].

3. Z.Fehily, Subregular W-algebras of type A, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, arXiv:2111.05536 [math.QA].

2. Z.Fehily, D. Ridout, Modularity of Bershadsky-Polyakov minimal models, Letters in Mathematical Physics, arXiv:2110.10336 [math.QA].

1. Z.Fehily, K.Kawasetsu, D. Ridout, Classifying relaxed highest-weight modules for admissible-level Bershadsky-Polyakov algebras, Communications in Mathematical Physics, arXiv:2007.03917 [math.RT].


PhDZ.Fehily, Subregular W-Algebras, pdf.

MSc.  Z.Fehily, Supersymmetry and Superspace, pdf.