

The Path of Hooks- UniMelb Mathematical Physics Seminar, 2023, slides.

Exploring Subregular W-algebras - PhD Completion Seminar, 2022, slides.

Relating W-algebras using inverse quantum hamiltonian reduction- ANZAMP Annual Meeting, 2022, slides.

Understanding Subregular W-algebras -Subfactors, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Tensor Categories, 2021, slides.

Subregular W-algebras - The Mathematics of Conformal Field Theory II, 2021, slides.

Subregular W-algebras - Rocky Mountain Representation Theory Seminar, 2021, slides, video.

Modularity in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories - UniMelb Mathematical Physics Seminar, 2021, slides.

Relaxed Highest-Weight Modules for Bershadsky-Polyakov Algebras - Vertex Operator Algebras and Related Topics in Kumamoto, 2020, notes.

Modularity in Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories - 64th AustMS Annual Meeting, 2020, slides.

W-Algebras related to sl(3) - ANZAMP Annual Meeting, 2020, slides.

Relaxed Highest-Weight Modules for Bershadsky-Polyakov Algebras - 63rd AustMS Annual Meeting, 2019, slides.

Representation Theory of Non-Rational Vertex Operator Algebras - PhD Confirmation Talk, 2019, slides.

Classical Bosonic String/Light-Cone Quantisation - String Theory Reading Group, 2019.


Free Boson/In and Out States/Null Vectors and Correlation Functions - Conformal Field Theory Reading Group, 2018.

Supersymmetry and Superspace - Masters Research Presentation Session, 2017, slides.


Twisting Supersymmetric Field Theories - Vacation Scholars Program Poster Session, 2014, poster.

Solitons and Grassmanians - Vacation Scholars Program Poster Session, 2014, poster.