Opis projekta
Projektom Zaboravljene igre i brojalice želimo s učenicima oživjeti igre i brojalice iz ne tako davne prošlosti (70-te i 80-te godine 20. stoljeća), iz vremena kad su djeca provodila puno više vremena vani, na livadama i ulicama oko kuća. U različitim krajevima Hrvatske djeca su igrala slične igre, ali su ih možda drugačije nazivala. U našem projektu bavit ćemo se igrama i brojalicama koje su se igrale na području Solina i njegove okolice, a posebnu ćemo pažnju posvetiti i lokalnim nazivima tih igara Kroz različite aktivnosti učenici će istražiti kako su se igrali i zabavljali njihovi roditelji, djedovi i bake, zajedno s učiteljima revitalizirati neke od tih zaboravljenih igara i brojalica, proučiti i primijeniti pravila igara te ih prezentirati i popularizirati među svojim prijateljima i vršnjacima.
Igra je od pamtivijeka sastavni dio djetinjstva i predstavlja važan dio kulture življenja, pa u tom smislu i nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Igra uključuje različite vrste fizičkih, misaonih i kreativnih interaktivnih aktivnosti kroz koje djeca razvijaju psiho motoričke sposobnosti, socijaliziraju se i izražavaju (glasom, pokretom, pisanom riječju, slikom itd.) Iako igra naizgled služi rekreaciji i zabavi, kroz nju djeca usvajaju nova znanja i vještine na zabavan i njima primjeren način.
Projekt se provodi uz potporu Centra izvrsnosti SD županije u sklopu programa Čuvari baštine.
The aim of our project Forgotten games and counting-out rhymes is to revive the games and counting-out rhymes from the not-so-distant past (1970s and 1980s), the ones that children used to play when they spent more time outside, playing on the meadows or just hanging out on the streets, in front of their houses. In different parts of Croatia, children played similar games but they may have used different terms to label them. In our project, we will deal with the games and counting-out rhymes that were played in the area of Solin and its surroundings, and we will pay special attention to the local terms used to label them. Through various activities, the pupils will explore the way their parents and grandparents used to play and have fun. They will study, apply and present the rules of these games and counting-out rhymes to their friends and peers. In that way, (and with a little help from their teachers) they will promote and revive some of the long forgotten games and counting-out rhymes.
From times immemorial, play has been an integral part of childhood. It represents an important part of our culture, and, in that sense, an intangible cultural heritage, as well. The play itself includes different types of physical, cognitive and creative interactive activities through which children develop their psychomotor skills, socialize and express themselves (by using their voices, movements, written words, drawings, etc.). The play is only seemingly intended for recreation and fun. However, it can also help children to learn and develop new skills in the most favourable way.
This project has been funded with the support from the Center of Excellence of the Split-Dalmatia County under the Heritage Guardians program.
Učenici 8. razreda, polaznici Dodatne nastave engleskog jezika
(mentorica: Ivana Polić, prof. eng. jezika)