
Flutter Projects

Coffee Shop App

A modern flutter based app! Harness the full potential of Flutter's dynamic framework to create Coffee Shop App with key features of beautiful UI and Cart. Also includes beautiful details pages. Beautiful horizontal tab bar with cart notification. Also use the provider state management.

Flutter bKash Clone App

A modern flutter based Clone app! Harness the full potential of Flutter's dynamic framework to replicate bKash's key features: secure transactions, user profiles, QR code scanning, and more. Craft a seamless user experience with elegant UI design and intuitive navigation. Flutter's flexibility empowers you to customize your clone while ensuring top-notch performance. Join the world of mobile finance apps with your bKash clone developed in Flutter.

Flutter Dental Data Management App

A modern flutter based Data Management app where users can add necessary data of a patient and save it in the firebase and can upload images in firestroe. In this app user can register through his email id and also set his password. This email and password will save in firestore. After that user can login with his email and can chat with other.

Flutter Chat App

A modern messaging app where users can sign up and log in to chat. In this app user can register through his email id and also set his password. This email and password will save in firestore. After that user can login with his email and can chat with other.

Flutter Weather App

Get the weather forecast in a beautiful and powerful app. See current and forecasted weather with a smart layout that updates as conditions change. And view precipitation, air quality, and temperature maps to see different conditions near you. 

Flutter To-do App

Get the weather forecast in a beautiful and powerful app. See current and forecasted weather with a smart layout that updates as conditions change. And view precipitation, air quality, and temperature maps to see different conditions near you. 
