14th Dalai Lama

Post date: Jan 2, 2020 4:10:23 AM

Z-paper 625 by Herb Zinser

The 14th Dalai Lama has genetics messages WAITING

Gene expressions in society

INTERNAL genes sometimes express themselves VIA human activities and social structure. Newspapers print the reports of such activities but omit the deeper explanations. This provides the newspaper reader with an incomplete puzzle ....... an opportunity for research and discovery using basic college textbooks in math, genetics, biochemistry, physics, etc. These textbooks are SYMBOL MACHINES with language instructions that have a great influence upon the human bio-computer and human institution thoughts.

Let's look at a genetics social engineering puzzle.

Computer Earth region …… geography land surface …

as a data entry keyboard ….

as 2-legged people walk


2-legs and body weight …..

inject data into the land / atomic soil orbitals

……………………………………………………………. bit

data bits

India Pakistan (IP) → Internet Protocol ..

of EARTH LAB human bio-computers …..

human BIOLOGY …. algebra subset code

………… B...LOG

Humans … as BLOG sites


The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet. IP has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host solely based on the IP addresses in the packet headers.

Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP). Messages are exchanged as datagrams, also known as data packets or just packets. IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, which is a set of communications protocols consisting of four abstraction la…

Rudyard K ip ling

Rudyard K …. ip → internet protocol linquistics/language

Rudyard Kipling was born on 30 December 1865 in Bombay, in the Bombay Presidency of British India, to Alice Kipling (née MacDonald) and John Lockwood Kipling. Alice (one of the four noted MacDonald sisters) was a vivacious woman, of whom Lord Dufferin would say, "Dullness and Mrs Kipling cannot exist in the same room."

6 days agoLife. Kipling's father, John Lockwood Kipling, was an artist and scholar who had considerable influence on his son's work, became curator of the Lahore Museum, and is described presiding over this "wonder house" in the first chapter of Kim, Rudyard's most famous novel.

Oct 21, 2019Rudyard Kipling was an English author famous for an array of works like 'Just So Stories,' 'If' and 'The Jungle Book.' He received the 1907 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Jung Book with Carl Jung

His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama (born 6 July 1935).Head of state and spiritual leader of the people of Tibet; Awarded the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize; born Lhamo Dhondrub, renamed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso (Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith, Ocean of Wisdom) upon being officially recognized as the Dalai Lama.

Tenzin → Big Ten universities and Karl Henry Zinser

Big Ten

Big Ten

Big Ten information pointer to Zbigniew and Tensing

Zbigniew Brzezinski ……………

……………...Br + ze + zins k i --> codes

communications bridge ….

Project Zeus ← mirror --> Suez

Zinser , Karl …

interface agent → age → agriculture earth

Ray Tensing and Samuel DuBose (Cincinnati )

………….sin …………… Fond DU Lac & Bose

Wisconsin city ..Fond DU Lac---> Lactic acid/milk proteins

Fond du Lac City Government's miss pussy → miss → mission ….

is miss knowledge about how the world works …..

but to live in our sheltered little world and brag

about families, schools, etc

but to provide excellent local government through responsiveness

and accountability to the citizens and their

citizenship of Fond du Lac …….

……… hip /legs / buttocks …..


Our protein HIP …. bedroom muscle language …

high school sports and athletic LETTERS Values:

,Varsity Jackets attack on var → math variables

and functions,

ToiLet Lettermen Jackets …

…..Letter ……

output data bio-records in cylinder format

America's most respected supplier

America's most respected supp lier

America's most spect supper liers

America's most spect

America's most spectrum

America's most respected supplier

America's most respected supp lier

America's most spect supper liers

America's most spectrum

America's most spectrum VS

America's most .........rum

America's moisture .... rectum ....

of varsity chenille letters, framed, jerseys, letters, varsity jackets, varsity blankets and varsity sweaters. Serving Colleges, High Schools, and Corporations nationwide.

Varsity Letters.

The Chenille ( rigged TRIAL Chechen brothers in Boston) Varsity Letter is traditionally awarded to those who have reached for and achieved excellence in

sports English alphabet schemes

…....muscle protein English alphabet …. Dictionary & Language manipulation

female secret BODY language ....

geometry pattern of legs and arms,etc. -->

alphabet letter for

the blood language & sub-conscious mind

Secrets graphic arts ....

body language geometry configuration -->

letter code

. It can be awarded on it's own or displayed proudly on a varsity jacket, blanket or frame. "Each year, our athletic department purchases chenille varsity letters and blanket awards.

excellence in SerVice, Honesty, ……

………..Bedroom Vice ..Honey pussy nest

Integrity, and Personal Accountability guide everything we do.

guide everything we do.

guide everything we do.

guide everything we d → wedding day software .

\Mr. Penis proteins ….. docking in Mrs, pussy proteins i

and India North America (Indiana) ….

Satyendra Nath Bose battle zones ……

On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed black man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a white University of Cincinnati police officer, …

Sample space …. Hindu ….

Satyendra Nath Bose