Personal Data Access Management

Personal Data Access Management

According to, what is meant by personal data?

Describe the role of the access token server in managing access to personal data.

What role does blockchain play in the proposed system?

Explain how users request access to personal data and how access is granted.

What information is contained in the access token and what is its purpose?

How does the data server verify that the user has the right to access the requested data?

What advantages do smart contracts have in managing access to personal data?

Describe how data owners can give consent to users to access their data.

How does the system ensure that only authorized users can access personal data?

What advantages does the proposed system have over traditional OAuth 2.0-based systems?


Personal data refers to any information relating to a natural person who is directly or indirectly identified or identifiable.

The access token server generates access tokens for users based on the access policies stored in its database. It also manages these tokens by sending tokens to smart contracts on the blockchain.

The blockchain acts as a distributed ledger that records access tokens, user consent, and access authorizations. It ensures transparency, security, and tamper-proofing.

Users request access authorizations by sending transactions to smart contracts stored on the blockchain. If the access conditions are met, the smart contract grants authorization and records the authorization on the blockchain.

The access token contains user information, data owner information, access parameters, token validity, and data owner consent. It acts as a credential for the user's access rights.

The data server verifies the user's access rights by checking the access authorization recorded on the blockchain. The authorization includes the details of the token that granted the access rights.

Smart contracts simplify the access management process by automating access control mechanisms, enforcing access policies, and providing secure and transparent access rights management.

The data owner records his consent (or rejection) on the blockchain by submitting a transaction to the smart contract responsible for managing the user's consent.

The system ensures that only authorized users can access personal data by using cryptographic techniques, blockchain-based access control, and smart contracts that enforce access rights based on predefined rules.

The proposed system eliminates the need for a centralized authorization server, provides a decentralized and tamper-proof access control mechanism, and allows for flexible and fine-grained access rights management.


Term Definition Access Token A digital token that represents a user's access rights. Blockchain A distributed and tamper-proof ledger that records transactions. Smart Contract A code that is stored on the blockchain and automatically executes predefined rules. Data Owner The person or entity that generates or collects personal data. Access Token Server The server that generates and manages access tokens. Data Server The server that stores and provides access to personal data. Access Policy The rules that define who can access which data and under what conditions. Access Authorization Request The request made by a user to access personal data. Authorization Request Identifier The identifier used to uniquely identify the access authorization request. Cryptographic Element The cryptographic component used to authenticate a user and verify their access rights. URL The Uniform Resource Locator that identifies the location of personal data. Secure Channel The encrypted connection used for secure communication between a user and a data server. Digital Fingerprint The unique data string used to verify the integrity of data. Consent The permission granted by a data owner to a user to access their data. Cryptocurrency A form of digital or virtual currency that runs on a blockchain.