Principle Quantum battle

Post date: Feb 16, 2020 8:09:56 PM

RD-blog-361 by Herb Zinser

The Principle Quantum Number

atomic anthropology shooting

at NiL, Cole Hall, DeKalb, Illinois.

Violations of Margaret Mead

atomic nuclear family law

by citizens, universities, and government

results in SCIENCE WAR tragedy.

The periodic atomic table - nuclear family daily life

The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT is the atomic,bio-physics structure known as humanoid ... with a possible abstract symbolic brain.

The human is composed of atoms.

Humans have thoughts.

Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.

Therefore some political protests,crimes, accidents, etc. by humans.....are really atomic events ... atomic expressions of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle / the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.

Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought.There are 18 such atomic families. Part of the table is shown below .... atoms have a physical existence AND in modern times, a symbolic life of nouns and adjectives and equations.

The atomic human has an atomic brain which expresses its thoughts, ideas, and behavior. Hence, we have have atomic social sciences, atomic social psychology, Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness, etc. Nature continues to evolve ....we are subset humans that live within EARTH LAB. EARTH LAB is perceived as an atomic/ astrophysics continuum ..... and our human daily activities occur within that context.

The atomic human is composed of the structure below.

The atom is described in more detail by scientists. We are interested in the atomic thoughts of electrons. We are specifically interested in the Principle Quantum Number WAR.

First, let's look at the battle site in the state of Illinois .....Northern Illinois. Within that EARTH LAB geography area is the University of Chicago, IIT, Chicago Circle Campus, Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern .... .... with FermiLAB and Argonne National Labs. University of Wisconsin, Madison is nearby. This we have the signal processing region ROC = Region of Convergence at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois.

Thus we have the convergence of several levels of existence..... the electron orbitals at the atomic level of human life AND the EARTH LAB geography region around the college town of DeKalb.

Thus, Co --> Convergence at Co = Cole.

Electron orbitals are described in physics and chemistry books. Their properties and attributes are described using quantum terminology .....which is explained in a very good manner in the science books.

Briefly, the electrons in a atom are grouped around the nucleus into shells.

- the 1st shell holds 2 electrons

- the 2nd shell holds 8 electrons

- the 3rd shell holds 18 electrons

- the 4th shell holds 32 electrons





Within shells, the electrons are grouped into subshells ...using letters s, p, d, f.

- the 1st shell has only an s subshell

- the 2nd shell has s and p subshell

- the 3rd shell has s and p and d subshell

- the 4th shell has s, p, d, and f subshell






Finally, within each subshell, electrons are grouped into orbitals.

Each orbital can hold only 2 electrons ..... .maximum.

- the 1st shell has --> s subshell with 1 orbital containing 2 electrons

- the 2nd shell has --> s subshell with 1 orbital containing 2 electrons


the 2nd shell has --> p subshell with 3 orbitals ...each containing 2 electrons (total of 6 electrons in the p orbitals)


To further describe the atom .....scientists use additional terminology.

In atomic physics, the principal quantum symbolized as n is the first of a set of quantum numbers .

The set consists of 4 quantum numbers:

- the principal quantum number,

- the azimuthal quantum number,

- the magnetic quantum number,

- the spin quantum number

These describe the atomic orbital shooting at Northern Illinois University.

The principal quantum number can only have positive integer values.... n = integer --> 1,2,3 ....

As n increases, the orbital becomes larger and the electron spends more time farther from the nucleus. As n increases, the electron is also at a higher potential energy and is therefore less tightly bound to the nucleus. This is the only quantum number introduced by the Bohr model.

The azimuthal quantum number is symbolized by L or a graph that looks like a small letter L ..... such as -->

For this blog (for typing ease), we shall use capital letter L to denote the concept relationship.












Let's review the above atomic English language .....and the SIGNAL being expressed by Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....atomic anthropology tragedy.

Let the 1 s orbital of the 1st shell(K shell) IMPLY 1 shooter.

Let the K-shell messenger be named Kazmierczak.

Thus we see the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family behavior expression as a projection outward to the human size level.

From the internal conflict within the atomic K-shell life --> the message goes outward to find an atomic human to sacrifice.

In this situation .... the K-shell transforms into Kazmierczak bullet shells --> which become news bullet bulletins.

Thus we see a chain of command ..... a sequence of information flow.....from the periodic atomic table government the human size levels be acted out. This conforms with William Shakespeare's theory that

"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"

Today, "THe WORLD is a stage and we are the atomic messenger players/actors".







1) Principle Quantum Number N --> i = integer

Thus we have code Ni ...add symbol L for 2nd quantum parameter giving ..the azimuthal quantum number.

NiL --> Northern Illinois region --> giving Northern Illinois University as the Darwinian selected REGION of Convergence site for the message.

NiL --> thus we have applied physics ..that is atomic anthropology conflict MESSAGE at the appropriate EARTH LAB atomic location ....

for a parallel processing / supersymmetry signal .....








Thus we have the above equation ....and the wave equation experiment in oceanography class ...a message processing region ...that is Co = Convergence region at Cole (Quantum Hall effects).




Thus the physics of atomic humans with

Thus we see the periodic atomic government has sent a message to EARTH LAB subset human governments and institutions.

The message has been ignored by the elite, intellectually superior ..... that are superior to Nature's intellect in every aspect. Mother Earth has other ideas ... about the social, intellectual Hierarchy ..... hence the Hierarchy Problem of bio-physics, university administrators, the Department of Energy and other agencies ....who do not properly respect Nature and its social engineering projects and its atomic human symbolic brain engineering projects.







Thus we see the score ... the atomic human score


20+ items – · Athletics » News | Scores | Schedule ...

Northern Illinois University vs Miami NIL: 0 Miami (Oh): 2

Northern Illinois University vs Central Michigan

NIL: 1 Central Michigan: 4

SIGNAL --> NIL Central ato.MIC



Central Michigan:

Central Michigan:

Central Michigan:

Central atoMic processor

….. atomic COMPUTER

and its input/output ports

And manipulation by

sports teams

→ atomic mass

software language structure

Via sport → S-orbital I/O port




Thus we see the atomic government ordered death at NIL --> Northern Illinois region atomic humanoid battles.

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, during which Steven Kazmierczak shot multiple people on the campus of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, United States, killing six(including himself).

The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. local time.

This was an example of Enrico Fermi atomic anthropology ..... VA-interaction with humans on ST. VA.lentine's Day. Thus we have the St.Valentine's Day student massacre .... that is atomic mass massacre.

Valence electrons know Feb 14 as St.Valence Valentine's DAY.

Thus we have the

1 subshell shooting AGENT and the

5 victims = 2 subshells + 3 subshells.


Let's read some of the words in the above COLE HALL item.

--> Gunman

Reportedly enters from door near STAGE .....William Shakespeare performance??

--> 162 students were registered in the Cole Hall class (see above) ..... that is the wave mechanics bio-physics ... oceanography course. Thus we have physics computer science evolution .......NEW signals with 162 --> Base 16 hexadecimal and Base 2 binary.

The Base 16 hex/curse signal is similar to the April 16,2007 data processing CAD --> CADAVER social engineering adjustment at Virginia TECH.

The FORTRAN computer engineering language program was RUN at FORT HOOD ..... when soldiers ...upon the shooting ..RAN for their lives. Thus in Killen, Texas ....we see some NEW process of Nature occurring.

The FORT(hood) soldiers RAN bio-computer program was EXECUTED.

Computer programmers are familiar with BATCH JOB execution .... using copper wire main frame computers. Now, Darwinian evolution took a BATCH of humans .....whose JOB as soldiers were EXECUTED. Modern human bio-computer social science management systems??



Working with Fortran at Fort Hood Texas

- - Introduction to Army computer science

penis ---> is --> information systems of

Pen → pentagon and the

…………… gonads MILITARY

...Bedroom PREGNANT mind

penis GitBook › docs › using-the-hpc › execute-a-job fortran …..

Execute at Fort HOOD

The tutorial assumes you have already worked through the Execute a Job

the Execute a Fortran Batch Job at

Fort Hood while reading a

Fortan computer manual in the

Soldier READ center ….

Alan Sokal SCIENCE WAR library ..... Here is an example batch script for running a batch job on an HPC like Onyx.

How to execute an external batch file

from Fortran with SYSTEM ... › en-us › forums › intel-fortran-compiler › topic

Sep 7, 2015 - Hello, I know there is available in the Intel Fortran Compiler a SYSTEM call or SYSTEMQQ logical function to be used for executing

a batch of 13 bio-computer soldiers at

Fortran site

Fort (LAB) Hood …

Army major kills 13 people in

Fort Hood

Fortran computer science battle

- History › this-day-in-history › army-major-kills-13-people-...

On November 5, 2009, 13 people are killed and more than 30 others are ... when a U.S. Army officer goes on a shooting rampage at Fort Hood in central Texas.

2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia › wiki › 2009_Fort_Hood_shooting

On November 5, 2009,

a terrorist mass ….

……… oris ass ….

Clitoris ..piece of ass

Cli ………………………assembler

Cli instruction (bedroom processor) attacks

FORTRAN social engineering REALITY programs …….

shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. ... Hasan was found

Fishing around Fort Hood,

TEXAS - Step Outside

Fort Hood secret

INTERNET of Fishnet stockings › fort-hood-tx › fishing

If you're on the search for trophy brown trout, fall is the optimal time to get on the water. You can chase browns in any season, but if you're… Read More >>> ...

guilty on 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted ... The incident, which lasted about 10 minutes, resulted in 13 killed—12 soldiers and one civilian; 11 died at the scene, and two died later ...

Fort Hood -

Shop Army & Air Force …….

Exchange Service with

parallel existences

(objects, furnitures, music,

food flavor commands )

and their expression

formats and languages › Ft Hood › Ft-Hood--1010729

Ft Hood. Clear Creek Exchange Bldg 4250 Clear Creek Blvd Ft Hood, TX 76544. United States. Store Hours: Mon-Fri 0900-2100. Sat 0900-2100. Sun 1000- ...

Clear Creek Exchange Bldg

Clear Creek Brain Exchange Bldg

Clear Creek Exchange Bldg

Clear Creek Brain Exchange Bldg

Nidal Hasan sentenced to death in

rigged information TRIAL

for Fort Hood shooting ... › world › national-security › 2013/08/28

Aug 28, 2013 - Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting rampage ... attorney, tried to plead guilty before the start of the trial but was unable to do …


University college students and graduate students could help spread the word ...about the SCIENCE WARS. DARPA, the Pentagon live in a different STATE of MIND ...and are not curious about such matters. Professors have been hypnotized as predicted by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Very easy to do over 30 years ...use television, radio, and newspapers ..... and use word commands to slowly revise their subliminal MIND instructions. Graduate students are the best bet ..... their minds are NOT locked into house mortgages and retirement plans ....all part of modern social psychology tricks forewarned by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Now that the atomic government and EARTH LAB are taking over ....with major, specific military events such as the Principle Quantum Number BATTLE .......... it's better to understand Nature's messages and work within the parameters .... of the SOCIAL CONTRACT we have with Nature.



Thus we have a complex puzzle ...with some clues outlined above. A lot of work remains to be done .... so it's better explained.

Thus we have the modern atomic stage.

Perhaps, some directors of RESEARCH LABS or professors or students .....that are familiar with the atomic stage physics and chemistry ..... might wish to help explain this new type of THEATER performance via tragedy.

The Principle Quantum Number

atomic anthropology assassination in year 1914 ......

Gavrilo Princip - Wikipedia

Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian Serb member of Young Bosnia who sought an end to Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the age of 19, he assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Archduke's wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914.

Assassination of EARTH government ...

systems architecture representative

......... Archduke Franz Ferdinand

- Wikipedia

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and Franz Ferdinand's wife


(So .... S-orbital of Sorority house girls) &

(So .... Start set So of algebra set theory),

Duchess of Hohenberg (Protein link)


HinDu Holy Cow

(milk protein THOUGHT molecule)


the North European

Du --> Dutch and

Ho = Holstein milk dairy cow ...

a PROTEIN MACHINE ..milk, cheese. beef

that humans live upon in

Europe and North America

.... occurred on 28 June 1914 in

(Nitrogen molecule mass 28 with 14 electrons)

Sarajevo ....

S ara --> Systems area

when they were mortally wounded

by Gavrilo Princip. ...

Agreement in principle was quickly reached,

but delivery of the weapons was ...

CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

