Sir Arthur Conan Doyle explains DNA

Post date: Mar 9, 2020 11:13:10 PM

RD-blog-number-116 by Herb Zinser

Dr. Watson explains the

DNA origin of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

and atomic English language evolution

Dr. Watson in Afghanistan explains secret war messages

Dr.Watson's secret cryptic messages explain modern wars. DR.Watson in Afghanistan is mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes story the " Reigate Puzzle". Can this puzzle help year 2013 English language soldiers in Afghanistan ...the British soldiers and the American soldiers? Yes.

Adventure 6: “The Reigate Puzzle”


Three days later we were back in Baker Street together; but it was evident that my friend would be much the better for a change, and the thought of a week of spring time in the country was full of attractions to me also. My old friend, Colonel Hayter, who had come under my professional care in Afghanistan, had now taken a house near Reigate in Surrey, and had frequently asked me to come down to him upon a visit.

The Guardian ‎- 2 days ago

Senior military sources say Nato will continue to play major role as Afghan forces are unprepared for 2014 withdrawal.

The UK forces deployed to Afghanistan from April to September 2013 on Operation Herrick 18 include elements of the following Royal Navy, Royal Marines, ...

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Operation H…….. 18 include elements

Operation Hydrogen 18 include elements ..

18 atomic vertical columns

The UK forces deployed to Afghanistan from April to September 2013 on Operation Herrick 18 include elements of the following Royal Navy, Royal Marines, ...

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Operation H…….. 18 include elements

Operation Hannah age 18 include elements ..

The UK forces deployed to Afghanistan from April to September 2013 on Operation Herrick 18 include elements of the following Royal Navy, Royal Marines, ...

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Operation Herrick 18 include elements

Physical army

Intellectual army of symbols and concepts

Operation Herrick 18 include atomic and molecular elements

Operation Herrick 18

Operation H……… 18

Operation H2O ….. 18

Operation Herrick 18 include elements of water molecule atomic mass 18

Water signal ... algebra subset =

Wat --> Watson …. water military code for British

John H. Watson

Sherlock Holmes character

Paget holmes.png

Dr. Watson (left) and Sherlock Holmes, by Sidney Paget.

First appearance

Last appearance

Created by










By understanding the atomic English language and the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family - atomic social anthropology ..........serious Sherlock Holmes analysts may help upgrade the atomic bio-physics symbolic DATA STREAM of consciousness that our atomic brain symbolic computer uses to make decisions...including military decisions.

The atomic brain needs more accurate,multi-level models of reality; rather then the detailed surface veneer explanations printed in newspapers.

Those details are a good starting point for modern day Sherlock Holmes symbolic sons and daughters....and these modern Sherlock Holmes students have a duty to carry on his figuring out the hidden details of a tragic EVENT and its significance.

After 4 years of pondering over the nuclear anthropology component of the STANDARD Model physics Hierarchy Problem ...I would like to enlist serious thinkers into the process....that may want an interesting activity a substitute for passive television,etc.

First, we must realize the origin of thought. Solid-state human individuals that stand on solid ground realize that they are composed of atoms; their brain is composed of atoms; therefore all thoughts must originate from the interior of the atom........that is true....unless you are ....(see the BLOG: Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth)

The periodic atomic government expresses itself in various formats.

Early formats...millions of years ago the atomic design team of oxygen, nitrogen,etc. and their engineering thoughts ...were the botany cellulose plant FORMAT and the starting FORMAT for the Tree of Knowledge.

Atomic designers working for the periodic table government ...then engineered dinosaurs ...and the process continued.

Then came monkeys ....etc.... and finally humans that like to monkey around with symbols and tricks ....... the conversion of the atomic English language word:

Monkey becomes the word stem (see STEM cell research tricks).

Mon + Key --> Money and Keyesian economics of 1932...with

Mon --> Monday the start of the atomic data bus week

Hence, the TRUE NATURE of the 1925 MONKEY TRIAL with Tennessee school teacher John T. Scopes.... involved the Roaring Twenties ($20 Dollar Bill rackets) and then the 1932 recommended fix proposed by the Keyesian economic model. The elite Feed --> Federal Reserve Bank and their money feed university friends ... do not discuss biased monetary history stories.

Thus the outline that you must consider you ponder the deeper levels of 1935 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

.... Carl Jung's collective unconsciousness experiments with the 1950 Joseph Stalin farm collectives

......of Pavlov's recent stimulus and response experiment of the U.S.government with the economic psychology THRILL of the TRILLION dollar money stimulus for the BEDROOM mortgage housing industry.....has produced a ZERO intellectual RESPONSE.

Of the television show ..DEEP SPACE NINE...with character DAX who is the symbolism for the TRILLION dollar manipulations with atomic brain computer subroutine name: Dax = Data axons...that trace the information flow of monetary decisions by the TRILL people and their

(human brain cell WA11--> WA11 Street insider trading ..inside the brain and the manipulation problems by the CITIZEN collective mind)





This proper philosophical perspective was expressed around year 1600 by the atomic English department of William Shakespeare:

..................... "The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

In modern concepts: "The WORLD is an atomic stage and we are the symbolic processing layers"

We will look at the modern stage performances of the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic social anthropology performances VIA the atomic structure of DNA. Thus the levels of our Sartre existence:

1st --> the atomic level and its intellect. At some point in evolution, the atomic intellect was curious...and said to itself... I wonder if I can design and engineer a molecule.

2nd --> the first basic molecules came into existence....and being good molecular students ..molecules learned how to think ...from their atomic parents. These basic molecules started thinking.....can we design and build a complex molecule....and so they did.





step k of this process .....can an atom have math and calculus thoughts.

Thus atom K = 19 electrons of potassium began to.... th--> hin..thin...

thinK ..of the next thought.....

thinK + 1.




step k+1 ...the origin of the law of mathematical induction and evolution. Thus an atomic biochemistry component: advanced mathematics




step n ..step o ...step p (the atomic alphabet letters n, o, p ) had a conference (millions of years ago in your primordial atomic family history) and

--> capital letter N said ..I represent the Nitrogen atom 14 for the periodic atomic table government

--> capital letter O said...I will symbolize element Oxygen 16

--> capital letter P pondered.....P = Project Plan.....what can Nitrogen and Oxygen do ....oh

they can build an atomic computer processor .....using COMPUTER EARTH system 370 concepts ....thus letters N, O, P became the 1st Nitrogen Oxygen Processor and was named LU = Logical Unit = Lung base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer.

...thus the process of atomic thought and its evolution. We have an rough outline of the conceptual evolution of atomic formats...and now we shall look at a specific outline:

Dr. Watson explains the DNA government from approximate time period from 1872 (Herbert Spencer..Principles of Biology) thru 1910...and the consequences continue to today.

As mentioned, as the primary level of expression, we have the periodic atomic table government and its formats. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humans that may have an active abstract brain symbolic processor....a cortex computer that tries to do accurate data processing.

Such humans are composed of DNA, thus Nature's intellect can use these EARTH LAB experimental humans as lab specimens for symbolic and social engineering experiments. Thus Nature and atoms are the directors at various existential levels AND 2-legged humanoid students and professors are the Lewis Carroll guinea-pigs (see the BLOGs that explain that).

Now lets go to the time period around the year 1890...and position our point of view at the DNA government level and its projects of expression. The physical evolution of DNA has been mostly completed, thus the symbolic evolution of the DNA English social language becomes important (for Nature's message processing experiments ... with the Ox = Oxford University humanoid LUNG ox = oxygen atomic computer Base 16 hexadecimal awareness systems of year 1890).

Herbert Spencer and Charles Darwin are advisors to the DNA government of Nature...and its DNA applications to subset human ..symbolic lab specimens. Darwin natural selection...suggested to DNA that it select a educated human ..whose name might suggest that he/she is a messenger for DNA and its symbolic life. The law of math life and algebraic subsets.....was used by the DNA decision process in the symbolic selection of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle writer, author, messenger for the atomic English language and its molecular English language social science expressions. What was the algebraic subset rule of selection used by DNA?

Dr. Watson - 1893

Dr. Watson - 1953

appears at Cambridge with DNA

DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters + Base 4 letters.

DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c + A c i d

subset.. D...o ..y...................Le ................

thus Doy.Le --> DNA Subset

...........Lead messenger .....with Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson

Conan doyle.jpg

Thus the internal social/intellectual thoughts of DNA's symbolic nature inside the biological body of Sir Arthur Conan converted VIA the Doyle transformation process to external messages printed on cellulose paper. Hence DR.WATSON and Sherlock Holmes are really DNA symbolic life formats ...that VIA the DNA selected messenger DOYLE ...had their ideas printed as the SHerlock Holmes signals to Queen Victoria.....of the Victorian time period of the periodic atomic table. Other atomic government humanoid messengers were:

--> Russia with Mendeleev

and the atomic table

--> Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead..year 1910 Principia Mathematicia

--> and many others in math, physics, genetics,etc.

The list goes on....a demonstration of our subset relationship with NATURE'S vast intellect.

If Doyle had had a lazy brain and lazy will power . . . then he would not have been a candidate for Darwinian symbolic selection as a DNA social science ...DNA mystery messenger.

We have the approximate time period from 1872, 1884 , 1900, thru 1916 as the atomic government started its atomic mass...mass communications with science books, math books, and DNA mystery books.

Thus we come to the next stage of the DNA symbolic life ....a description of the symbolic evolution of the DNA intellect.

The year 1890 thru 1900 had:

DNA --> Base 16 atomic alphabet letters of the hexadecimal molecular computer of

DNA --> D e o x y r i b o n u c L e i c with

subset D...o ..y...............Le ................

the external proper noun label (Doyle) of physical entity Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ...while his internal government is composed of the :

DeoxyribonucLeic 16 data processing symbols.

Repeating the concept:

--> his internal government has the complete DNA algebra of 16/16ths = 1

of the DNA word: DeoxyribonucLeic while

--> his external identifier is the subset word Doyle which is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic.

Thus we have the Missing LINK ...missing message problem of the anthropology family.

The book: Contact by Carl Sagan addresses this communication issue under the auspices of radio astronomy.

Doyle is 5/16 of DeoxyribonucLeic leaving a remainder of 11/16 ....11 is the mathematical integer attribute of FermiLAB bio-physics SKU11 problem..the Standard Model Hierarchy Problem.

The Fer m i _ _ LAB--> missing gestalt completion letters

........m i _ _ --> is 1/2 of the atomic word: mind

........m i _ d --> 3/4 of mind = component blood plas.MID

........m i n d --> Nature's completion of atomic mind

FermiLab theorists thought they solved the math number 11 ...SKU11 problem using the Spanish Language agent from Peru to use spanned numeric data records to bridge over the EVEN integer atomic mathematical-physics data space.

Thus Office of Science selection of odd integer agent:

Pier ODD.One = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, SKU11.

Thus the ODD integer agent is 1/2 of math life as clearly stated by their proper noun EARTH LAB EARTH LAB identifier:

Fermi?? as in


The male scientists feel their subliminal MIND allegiance to the

female math GODDESS of ODD integers

provides them with such supreme intellectual powers

that they can IGNORE modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology evolution laws of NATURE...consequently the Hierarchy Problem of human representative for symbolic life and its role in Sartre existential dimensions on EARTH. Thus the illusion of FermiLAB theorists that their director of ODD integer space, their alliance with the bedroom GODDESS, their silence about the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology project ERRORS.

Thus some of the pieces of the puzzle to the Hierarchy problem involve:

even integers...2..4..6..8..10..carbon 12 atomic clock hours of organic life formats like Y2K humans .....and the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) with Earth Lab even integer data space of sample space of EVENTS ....the EVENT HoRIZON as outlined by Hawking, Gibbons, and other undercover agents of the Milky Way military analysis team.

Now while Pier Oddone is very qualified for his job; Nature is not fooled by the Office of Science secret SPANISH trick .....of spanned data records...

or the electron orb.ITAL trick of atomic life

...........................ITAL.IAN language trick.

I doubt that Pier was told the details of the Darwinian atomic selection process and the Washington,DC secrets of biased Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology direct violation of the Margaret Mead SALT TREATY between humans and the 11 protons of Salt/sodium of the periodic atomic table government.

Nor is Nature impressed by the

economic ORBITAL theory of

............ITALY and Italian brain electron smarts amd the BS economic rackets in Kenosha Wisconsin and the Chrysler Engine factory. Fiat scientists ought explain the

Chrysler SYMBOLIC ENGINE news about BRAVE NEW WORLD...and the ALDO murder over the ALDO Huxley book. Thus we have the atomic brain structure.......components partially explained by the good gentlemen Pier ODDONE...

and his subliminal mind research into

the brain elctron orb.ITAL ...ITALIAN component and the SPAN...Allen Green.SPAN and money and SPAN.ish language inside the atom. The human is compose of atoms, therefore human thoughts must originate from inside the atom,

therefore SOCIAL languages are really symbolic SOCIAL expressions on the ATOM;

parallel are the TECHNICAL languages with their atomic expressions ...such as a nuclear power plant used to generate electricity. The university BULL-stories and secrets about the secret atomic languages are inappropriate in year 2011....and the accreditation is in question ...of major universities and their SECRET social science manipulation schemes...actually well-known thru many books like: Brave New World, 1984, Battlefield Earth, Future Shock,etc.

Continuing....we have word FERMI which is 5 symbols ..

representing 5/16 of the 16 symbols of

Deoxyribonucliec theory agents in Batavia ...and Nature has

.....ribon.....a part of a ribbon of string theory...applied to

atomic social science stories...STRING ME ALONG with BS...a subject

covered by Rudolf Carnap in Foundations of Logic and Mathematics...

Rules of the Semantical System B-S (Bull Shirt equation minus r = ?????)

AND section

On the construction of a Language System...

System Z (thus the atomic number of 26 protons of ferrous oxide of the iron Hemoglobin proteins and the new version of the atomic English language of 26 proton alphabet letters used by humans at FermiLAB...that continue to use out-of-date, discontinued Hemoglobin ..ironic message processing systems). I think they may have been I was probably....and perhaps I have emerged from the BRAVE NEW WORLD coma.....and Nature decided I ought help explain the situation. But I could use some help also.....since this is such a complicated atomic social psychology task.....of applied bio-physics Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology.

The symbolic Fermi 5/16 leaves a remainder of 11/16 ...per number 11 of SKU11.

Thus the 11/16 of the DNA intellect....the Missing Link that will complete the DR.Watson, Sherlock Holmes equation of DeoxyribonucLeic. That hexadecimal DNA Base 16 equation was:

5/16 (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) + 11/16 = 1 complete DNA intellectual unit

The answer lies in Zino particle which is tied to the number 11 of Nature's ZINJAN Sku11 project and involves many factors.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Conan doyle.jpg

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle






Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle

22 May 1859

Edinburgh, Scotland

7 July 1930 (aged 71)

Crowborough, East Sussex, England

Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician



100 years after Sir Arther Conan Doyle

... his symbolic son Governor Doyle of Wisconsin

Thus .. these factors and Wisconsin citizens that can display ZIN knowledge... can explain the puzzle of the Reigate Puzzle