Keeping your personal information safe

What is personal information?

It is more than your name, age, email address, home address or mobile number. Your personal information includes everything you share, post, send, upload and download on the web because these things tell people something about you.

Why is it so important to keep our personal information safe?

Scary as it may sound, things you do online can never be completely deleted and all things you do online is potentially public.

How can you protect your personal information?

    1. Only connect with people you really know when you are online. Do not connect with strangers.
    2. Never post your personal information, such as your full name, age, phone numbers, email or home address, your school, on the internet.
    3. Think twice before you post anything online. What you post on the internet can been seen by many people online and these posts can never be completely removed. Someone can easily copy, download, forward or re-post anything you put online without you knowing about it.

Be a good friend and take care of each other!

Watch out for your friends, too! You play a part in creating your friends' digital reputations, too. Whenever you post videos, tag people in photos or comment on their profiles, you are actually sharing the private information about your friends with the world. Be a good friend and protect your friends' privacy online!

Always remember:

Before you share anything online, stop and remember that your posts will be seen by anyone in the world and they stay online permanently!