Yuyang Feng

Email: yuyang at uchicago dot edu

I am a math Ph.D. student at UChicago from 2022, advised by Ewain Gwynne. I obtained my bachelor degree from from Peking University, where my advisor was Xinyi Li.  Here is my CV (May, 2024). 

My research interests lie in Probability theory, especially in random planar map and Liouville quantum gravity theory.


Triviality of critical Fortuin-Kasteleyn decorated planar maps for q > 4. submitted. [arXiv] [Slides] 

Graph distance exponents in mated-CRT maps (with Jinwoo Sung). In preparation. 

Convergence of the loop-erased percolation explorer on UIHPT (with Mark Olson). In preparation.


I organized the following seminars:

Liouville quantum gravity as mating of trees. Spring 2022. [Schedule]

Reading seminars on LQG and related topics. Fall 2021. [Schedule]

Besides, I gave talks on the following ones:

3+X Seminar. Spring 2022. [Schedule]

Loop soup and random interlacement. Spring 2022. [Schedule]

Journal Club on Random Conformal Geometry. Fall 2021. [Schedule]

Seminar on Brownian Motion. Summer 2021. [Schedule]

Seminar on Dynamical Systems. Fall 2020.

Seminar on Representation Theory. Fall 2020.


Two-Dimensional Random Geometry (Poster), University of Chicago. July 2024.

Algebraic and Probabilistic Aspects of Universality (Poster), UCLA. May 2024.

Student Probability seminar (informal), Stanford. May 2024.

Stochastic Processes and Related Fields (Poster), Kyoto University. September 2023.

Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar,  Korea Institute of Advanced Study. June 2023.

Seminar on Stochastic Process 2023 (Poster), University of Arizona. March 2023.

Proseminar in probability and statistical physics, University of Chicago. October 2022.

Graduate Student Probability Conference, University of Wisconsin - Madison. September 2022. 

Conference of Elite Undergraduate Training program. June 2022.

Expository writings

Percolation on uniform infinite triangulations. REU at UChicago. [PDF]


2024 New Year seminar. 

2023 New Year seminar. 

Xinyi's Probability Group. [Photos

叶帆的科研随笔 Fan Ye's Blog 
