Reading Seminar on Mating of Trees


Study of [DMS14], covering important propositions and proofs. Familiarity with GFF, LQG, and SLE assumed, but includes a primer on imaginary geometry and conformal welding.

Time Every Thursday 10-12 am. (Lunch included)

Location Building 21, Room 316. (Near the coffee house)

Talk Schedule (Tentative)

3.10 Gefei Cai - Introduction to [DMS14]

3.17 Guangyi Zou - Review of Chap 5 in [BP], Hang Du - [DMS14] Chap 3.1-3.2.

3.24 Shengjing Xu - [DMS14] Chap 4,

3.25  Gefei Cai - [MS16] Intro to local set and imaginary geometry, 

3.24 Hang Du - [DMS14] Chap 3.3-3.5. Runsheng Liu - [BP] Chap 6.1-6.2, Introduction to the coupling and quantum zipper.

4.7 Yuyang Feng - [BP] Chap 6.3-6.5, Quantum zipper, [DMS14] Chap 5.

4.14 Gefei Cai - [DMS14] Chap 6.

4.21 Shengjing Xu - [DMS14] Chap 7.

4.28 Guangyi Zou - [DMS14] Chap 8.

5.5 May day vacation.

5.12 Yuyang Feng - [DMS14] Chap 9.

5.19 Runsheng Liu and Gefei Cai - [DMS14] Chap 10.

5.26 Zelin Liu - [DMS14] Appendix B.

6.2 Hang Du - [GHS19] Chap 5, Review of the whole story.


 [DMS14] B. Duplantier, J. Miller, S. Sheffield. Liouville quantum gravity as a mating of trees.

 [GHS19] E. Gwynne, N. Holden, X. Sun. Mating of trees for random planar maps and Liouville quantum gravity: a survey.

 [MS16] J. Miller, S. Sheffield. Imaginary Geometry I: Interacting SLEs.

 [AHS20] M. Ang, N. Holden, X. Sun. Conformal welding of quantum disks.

 [BP] N. Berestycki, E. Powell. Gaussian free field, Liouville quantum gravity, and Gaussian multiplicative chaos.