Illegal Markets and Contemporary Slavery: Evidence from the Mahogany Trade in the Amazon (joint with D. Araujo, D. Castro and R. Tigre) , Journal of Development Economics. Volume 166, January 2024, 103177.
[Ungated version][Gated version]
Coverage: VoxDev
Uber and Traffic Safety: Evidence from Brazilian cities (with Raul Silveira Neto and Luis Carazza). Journal of Urban Economics. Volume 123, May 2021, 103347. [Gated version]
Press coverage: [Folha de São Paulo, 2020], [Valor Econômico, 2020], [Gazeta do Povo , 2019].
Working Papers and Work in Progress
From Fields to Futures: The Lasting Effects of Crop Diseases on Education and Earnings (joint with Rodrigo Oliveira). The World Bank Economic Review, Revision Requested.
Presented at the LACEA LAMES Annual Meeting, 2022 (Lima, Peru).
44th Meeting of the Brazilian Econometric Society, 2022 (Fortaleza, Brazil)
Coverage: BBC-Brazil
Colonial Heritage: Women Slavery and the Roots of Domestic Labor (joint with Bladimir Carrillo and Breno Sampaio)
Let the Water Do the Work: Climate Adaptation Policies and Economic Welfare (joint with Bladimir Carrillo, Breno Sampaio, Diogo Britto, Lucas Emanuel, and Daniel da Mata) [Draft soon]
The Cost of Lost Savings: The Lasting Consequences of a Liquidity Freeze (joint with D. Araujo and L. Warwar) [Draft Soon]
Presented at the LACEA-LAMES Annual Meeting, 2023 (Bogota, Colombia)
Presented at NEUDC, 2024 (Boston, USA)
Family Connections, Nepotism, and Political Bargaining (joint with Breno Sampaio, Diogo Britto, Paolo Pinotti and Manoel Gehrke) [Draft Soon]
Voting for Deforestation? Exploring the Effect of Political Alignment on Environmental Outcomes (joint with D. Araujo, R. Tigre and M. Fadic) [Draft Soon]
Technical Notes and Policy Work
"Avaliação e Monitoramento de Políticas Públicas no Âmbito do Ministério da Cidadania", GAPPE Report (2019) [in Portuguese].