
Journal Publications

14. Bi, Y., Han, B., Zimmerman, S., Perreault, F., Sinha, S., Westerhoff, P., Four Assays Show Variable Silver Stability for Nanoparticle-Modified Reverse Osmosis Membranes, Water Research (submitted)

13. Bi, Y., and Westerhoff P., High-throughput Analysis of Substrate-Specific Photocatalytic Reactivity of TiO2 Using 96-well Microplate Reactors, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (ready for submission)

12. Nosaka, T., Lankone, R., Bi, Y., Fairbrother, D. H., Westerhoff, P., Herckes, P., 2018, Quantification of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer Composites, Analytical Methods, 10(9), 1032-1037.

11. Bi, Y., Zaikova, T., Schoepf, J., Herckes, P., Hutchison, J., Westerhoff, P., 2017, The Efficacy and Environmental Implications of Engineered TiO2 Nanoparticles in a Commercial Floor Coating, Environmental Science: Nano, 4(10): 2030-2042.

10. Lankone, R., Challis, K., Bi, Y., Hanigan D., Reed, R., Zaikova, T., Westerhoff, P., Fairbrother, H., Ranville, J., Gilbertson, L., 2017, Methodology for Quantifying Engineered Nanomaterial Release from Diverse Product Matrices Under Outdoor Weathering Conditions and Implications for Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Science: Nano, 4(9): 1784-1797.

9. Schoepf, J. J., Bi, Y., Kidd, J., Herckes, P., Hristovski, K., Westerhoff, P., 2017, Detection and Dissolution of Needle-Like Hydroxyapatite Nanomaterials in Infant Formula. NanoImpact 5: 22-28.

8. Bi, Y., Zhang, H., Ellis, B. R., and Hayes, K. F., 2016, Removal of Radium from Brines Associated with Shale Gas Production by Ion Exchange Resin. Environ. Engin. Science, 33(10), 791-798.

7. Bi, Y., Stylo, M. A., Bernier-Latmani, R. and Hayes, K. F., 2016, Rapid Mobilization of Noncrystalline U(IV) Coupled with FeS Oxidation. Environmental Science & Technology, 50(3): 1403-1411.

6. Bi, Y., and Hayes, K. F., 2014, Surface Passivation Limited UO2 Oxidative Dissolution in the Presence of FeS. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (22), 13402-13411

5. Carpenter, J.R., Bi, Y., and Hayes, K. F., 2015, Influence of Iron Sulfides on Abiotic Oxidation of UO2 By Nitrite and Dissolved Oxygen in Natural Sediments. Environ. Sci. & Techno., 49 (2), 1078-1085.

4. Bi, Y., and Hayes, K. F., 2014, Nano-FeS Inhibits UO2 Reoxidation under Varied Oxic Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (1), 632-640.

3. Bi, Y., Hyun, S. P., Kukkadapu, R. K., Hayes, K. F., 2013, Oxidative Dissolution of UO2 in A Simulated Groundwater Containing Synthetic Nanocrystalline Mackinawite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 102, 175-190.

2. Bi, Y., Hesterberg, D. L., and Duckworth, O.W., 2010, Siderophore-Promoted Dissolution of Cobalt from Hydroxide Minerals, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (10), 2915-2925.

1. Ren L., Bi, Y., Su, Y., Wang, X., Concentrations, Distributions and Risk Assessment of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in Waters and Surface Sediments of Wuzhishan Area, Journal of Agro-Environment Science 2007, 5, 153-161.

Technical Report

Hayes, K. F., Bi, Y., Carpenter, J., Hyun, S. P., Rittmann, B. E., Zhou, C., Vannela, R., and Davis, J. A., 2014. “Assessing the Role of Iron Sulfides in the Long-Term Sequestration of Uranium by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria”, 64 p, DOI: 10.2172/1121431