
Courses Taught

  • Life Insurance & Superannuation (ACTL3151&5105) at UNSW in T1 2021 and T1 2022

Head tutor, Undergraduate & Graduate Level

Duties: updating course materials; marking; consultations; tutorials; tutor team management; exam supervision

  • Asset-Liability and Derivative Models (ACTL3182 & 5109) at UNSW in T3 2021 and T3 2022

Head tutor, Undergraduate & Graduate Level

Duties: updating course materials; marking; consultations; tutorials; tutor team management; exam supervision

Teaching-related training

  • Become an Associate Fellow of Higher Education Academy (AFHEA), UNSW Sydney, 2022

  • Staff nomination for the Business School Award for Teaching Excellence in Tutoring, UNSW Sydney, 2022

  • Honourable mention for a 2021 Scientia Education Academy Exemplary Teaching Practice Award, UNSW Sydney, 2022

  • PhD Teaching Fellowship, UNSW Business School Sydney, 2021

  • Complete the Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Program, UNSW Sydney, 2021