Hongik University                                                                     2024-Present
    Instructor.   Strategic Management (Undergraduate)

San Diego State University                                                         2022-2024
    Instructor.   Strategic Management (Undergraduate. MGT 405)    

University of Texas at Dallas                                                     2019, 2021
    Instructor.   International Business (Undergraduate. IMS 3310)   

Sample feedback from students

"Professor Yeo is one of the best professors I've had at SDSU. His attention to detail, passion for the subject, willingness to work with his students, and commitment to the growth of students inside an out of the classroom are all things I look for in a professor."

"Genuinely great professor who conducted this class with the highest level of compassion and professionalism."

"Overall the instructor was great, and engaged very actively with all the students during class. Also facilitated a fair academic environment, encouraged class participation and was easily approachable. Genuinely interested in positive student performance."

"Throughout the semester, I enjoyed that Professor Yeo would throw in group activities that involved the class competing against each other. Those days were fun and he would tie those activities into concepts we were learning and it would make sense."

"Professor Yeo is another valuable person that I have added into my network. His extensive knowledge about the international business strategy is enviable, I learned very complex aspects of the international business I was not aware of. He made us play different roles, work on several different project, group discussion and projects included, I really enjoy these aspects of the course. Great professor."