Current projects

The Emergence of Health Gaps in Early Life: A Dynamic Analysis of Three National Birth Cohorts

(with Lidia Panico, Marion Leturcq, Alice Goisis, Melissa Martinson)

This project aims to advance our understanding of health inequalities in France, the United Kingdom and the United States. We focus on early childhood as we consider that children’s early environment from the earliest moments of life is crucial for producing health inequalities later in life. Using fine, longitudinal data gives us a unique opportunity to assess the relationship between early experience of deprivation and child health and describe when and how early health inequalities begin across different national contexts and policy environments. Instead of using classic measures of disadvantage such as income poverty, we propose a dynamic, child-centered, multi-domain deprivation concept as a tool to better understand childhood disadvantage, which allows us to explore which dimensions are most important for early health.

Maternal employment and childhood obesity in Russia

Existing research on childhood obesity shows that rising maternal employment is associated with increases in child weight. The aim of this project is to evaluate a causal relationship between maternal employment and childhood obesity in Russia where obesity has been spreading fast over the last 20 years. To address the endogeneity of maternal employment I use plausibly exogenous variation in childcare availability for the youngest child in the household as an instrumental variable for maternal employment to estimate the effect of maternal employment on the weight outcomes of older siblings, The rich data allows to explore potential underlying mechanisms.

The impact of health information intervention on children's health and health-related behaviour in the UK

(with Birgitta Rabe)

The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) is a school-based screening intervention to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary school. The programme includes feedback to parents as weight report letters that comprise information on child's body measurements (weight, height, and BMI percentile), supporting materials (practical advice for healthy lifestyle changes), and a list of resources. The project aims at analysing the effect of this information feedback on variety of health-related outcomes. Using the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) and the Millennium Cohort Study, we evaluate adiposity-related outcomes, the behavioral outcomes related to energy balance (sedentary behaviour, physical activity, fruit intake, etc.) and adverse effects (psychological outcomes) of the intervention.



Working papers

Chapters in books, research reports and other output

  • Maleva, T., Grishina, E., Dormidontova, Y., Kazakova Y., Lyashok, V., Tsatsura, E. (2016): Older workers on the labour market in Russia. Moscow: Publishing House "Delo", RANEPA.