[Urban Studies]

1. Deciphering the spatial and temporal evolution of urban anthropogenic resilience within the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration


Published on Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2022.104274 

2. Enhancing infrastructural dynamic responses to critical residents’ needs for

urban resilience through machine learning and hypernetwork analysis


Published on Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2024.105366

3. Determining the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Urban Regeneration Projects in China on the City Scale: The Case of Shenzhen


Published on Land Journal: https://doi.org/10.3390/land11081210

4. Deciphering and Optimizing Strategies for the Urban Regeneration Decision-Making in China: the Case of Chongqing

(decision making )Manuscript.pdf

Submitted on International Jornal of Cities 

5. Exploring the Measurement of Urban Resilience and its Influencing Factors under the COVID-19

Exploring the Measurement of Urban Resilience and its Influencing Factors under the COVID-19.pdf

6. Urban renewal without displacement: Towards a dual goal of neighborhood revitalization and community preservation?

On-going work:

Conducted ethnographic research in eight regenerated neighborhoods to further explore how neighborhood socio-spatial restructuring may affect local residents’ lived experiences, especially their place attachment and social relations.

[Other domain(Construction Management & Automatization  ]

6. Deterrence of Punitive Measures on Collusive Biddings in the Construction Sector

Deterrence of Punitive Measures on Collusive Bidding in the Construction sector.pdf

7. Collaborative work with research fellow in Smart Construction lab. 

Universal construction of feedback laws achieving.pdf