
My passion for teaching ignited during my middle school years when I had the unique opportunity to lead several Chinese language lessons. The passion extended through tutoring classmates on schoolwork and has transcended into my academic journey, where I mentor undergraduate interns and master and doctoral students, imparting research skills and domain knowledge. Sharing scientific knowledge with university students through academic reports, especially in the realm of atmospheric aerosols, has further solidified my love for pedagogical pursuits. I relish the stimulating conversations and intellectual curiosity inherent in my interactions with students.

Teaching Philosophy:

I firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of societal progress and well-being. Witnessing the crucial role science plays in tackling challenges like climate change and pandemics underscores the importance of equipping the next generation with scientific literacy and analytical skills. Within the field of atmospheric and environmental system science, understanding the intricacies of our shared environment becomes paramount. Addressing contemporary environmental issues necessitates not only scientific expertise but also empathy and humanistic consciousness. In my lectures, I will strive to foster critical thinking through rigorous logic training while simultaneously nurturing a sense of responsibility and care for our planet and our society.

Teaching Experience

Mentored around ~ 6 interns and master and doctoral students by providing domain knowledge in atmospheric science and how to conduct research, including operating instruments, analyzing data, and writing scientific papers.

Serving as a teaching assistant in the course "Aerosol".

Disseminated scientific information on atmospheric aerosols in dozens of academic reports, tailored for undergraduate, and graduate audiences, or the general scientific community.