Projects and Field Campaigns

2023–now Chamber simulations and field measurements of SOA chemistry using the state-of-the-art EESI-TOFMS

2020–2023 Aircraft measurements of (bio)aerosols (IAGOS-CARIBIC, civil airplane, long-term)

2018–2020 Managing the long-term and season-intense sampling of filters at the IAP (CAS) tower site in Beijing, China

11/2018 Setting up samplers to collect filter samples in Urumqi, China

02/2018 Collecting particles emitted from restaurant cooking in Yanqing, Beijing, China

07/2017 Preparing filter samplers for the circum-Arctic cruise (R/V XUELONG)

06/2017 Collecting single-particle aerosol samples in Beijing, China

03/2017 Managing the field campaign, operating the WIBS, and collecting filter samples of aerosols at Mt. Tai (1,534 m, a.s.l.), Taian, China

03/2017 Preparing filter samplers for the Indian Ocean cruise (R/V SHIYAN 3)

05/2017 Operating online instruments (WIBS and OC/EC analyzer) and collecting filter samples for the AIRPRO field campaign in Beijing, China

12/2016 Coordinating and managing the AIRPRO field campaign (The integrated Study of AIR Pollution PROcesses in Beijing) with the China-UK Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Developing Chinese Megacity project (APHH Beijing),

operating online instruments (WIBS and OC/EC analyzer), and offline collecting filter samples in Beijing, China

06/2016 Managing the field campaign and collecting filter samples of aerosols, single-particle aerosol samples, and rain samples 

at Mt. Emei (3,080 m, a.s.l.), Sichuan, China

09/2015 Conducting online and offline field observations over Northwestern Pacific (R/V KEXUE)

06/2015 Collecting filter samples at Nanjing University, Nanjing, China

02/2015 Preparing the WIBS instrument for the aircraft measurement in Beihai, China

01/2015 Collecting filter samples at the Yanqihu campus of UCAS, Beijing, China

Failed funding application

Online Molecular Characterization of Bioaerosols by Extractive Electrospray Ionization-Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (BioAero-Orbitrap) and the Oxidation of Bioaerosols

Online Molecular Characterization of Bioaerosols by Extractive Electrospray Ionization-Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (BioAero-Orbitrap) and the Oxidation of Bioaerosols

Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Coatings on Bioaerosols