MA Students

Advisor, master's student for presentation at the International Conference:

The 8th Global Issues Conference Presentation (GIC-8)

2024, April 9,  7:00 - 8:30 AM EDT (UTC -4)
Education, Language, & Society 2
Moderator: Anna  Rewiś-Łętkowska, State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno, Poland


TITLE: The Application of in English Language Instruction for Young Learners: The Learning Motivation of Taiwanese Elementary School Third Graders
AUTHORS: Tyler Lee (Fu Jen Catholic University)

Learning Processes: A sample of courses and thesis writing processes by Claudia Lin林惠苹

學年 / 109  學生 / 林惠苹  指導教授 / 施佑芝

Learning Processes: A sample of thesis writing from Claudia Lin林惠苹

學年 / 109  學生 / 林惠苹  指導教授 / 施佑芝

Learning Processes: A sample of courses taken from Claudia Lin林惠苹

學年 / 109  學生 / 林惠苹  指導教授 / 施佑芝

Thesis Advising:

In Progress: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Tyler Lee

Thesis: A Case Study of the Effects of Applying on English Vocabulary and Grammar Learning: The Motivational Factors of Taiwanese Elementary School Third Graders ( 應用於英語字彙及文法學習之影響:台灣小學三年級學生學習動機之案例研究)

2021/7: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Claudia Lin 林惠苹
Thesis: Taiwanese Senior High School Teachers’ Beliefs and Confidence About the Integration of Technology in English Education in Taiwan (台灣高中英語教師對於台灣英語教育科技整合的信念與信心)

2017/6: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Koji Sakugawa 佐久川浩二

Thesis: Graphical Mapping Feedback for College-Level EFL Writing (以英語為外語的大學生寫作之圖像式反饋)

2014/1: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Kahlen Hsieh 謝欣潔

Thesis: Critical Thinking through Reflective Writing on English News Video: Using Edmodo in an EFL College Writing Course
(利用英文新聞影片及反思寫作進行批判思考: 應用Edmodo於大學英文寫作課)

2014/1: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Claire Yang 楊宜臻

Thesis: The Evaluation of Online English Reading Websites: College-level EFL Learners’ Perspectives (台灣大學生對線上英語閱讀網站之評鑑與看法)

2014/1: 輔仁大學英文研究所多媒體教學組碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Multimedia Teaching Track, Graduate Institute of English, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Nancy Won 翁晴

Thesis: An Investigation of Taiwanese College Students’ Use of Communication Strategies in Intercultural Communication through Synchronous Text-based Chats and Videoconference (探討台灣大學生透過同步線上聊天室與視訊科技使用溝通策略進行跨文化溝通)

2011/2: 輔仁大學跨文化研究所語言學碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Student: Travis Lin 林方偉

Thesis: The Understanding of English Gerunds and Present Participles: A Case Study on Fu Jen Freshmen (輔大大一學對英語動名詞與現在分詞瞭解情形之研究)

2008/10: 輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Student: Yen Sung 宋彥樑

Thesis: A Case Study on the Use of Inspiration® to Assist College EFL Students’ Writing (Inspiration®應用於大學英文寫作課之個案研究)

2008/10: 輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Student: Karen Su 蘇庭筠

Thesis: An Evaluation of EngSite Platform and Its applications in Distance Language Learning (英才網平台於遠距英語學習之應用與評鑑)

2007: 輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Student: Grace Sih-yi Liu 劉思怡

Thesis: Using Weblogs to Assist College EFL Students’ Writing: A Case Study (部落格於大學英文寫作課之個案研究)

2006: 輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Student: Samantha Wan-Zhen Huang 黃婉珍

Thesis:  An Evaluation of Junior High School English Textbook Designed for the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum in Taiwan: From 2004-2006  (台灣九年一貫國中英語教科書評析(2004-2006版))


2005: 輔仁大學語言學研究所碩士論文指導教授

Thesis Advisor, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, Fu-Jen Catholic University

Student: Vanessa Peng-Ling Lai 賴凡伶

Thesis: A Study of Word-guessing and Word-learning Strategies in Reading Comprehension (字彙學習策略與猜字策略對於閱讀理解之研究)