After searching for such a thing for a long time, I've just discovered that yt-dlp, which I already have installed and use daily to download YouTube (and other) videos, supports fetching the user comments and saving them as a JSON file.

YT-DLP is a free and open-source software project created (as a fork) from the now-discontinued project, youtube-dlc. yt-dlp is based on the popular YouTube downloader, youtube-dlc, but now comes with additional features and improvements. This software is basically used to download videos from YouTube, Vimeo, and other similar websites.

Yt-dlp Download Description

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As you might already know, yt-dlp is a command-line tool, so to use it (in Windows or Linux), you will have to go through the command prompt or terminal. If you have already downloaded, and installed it along with its dependencies, go ahead and open your terminal.

Disclaimer: Downloading videos from YouTube using tools like yt-dlp may potentially infringe upon the terms of service, copyrights, and intellectual property rights of content creators. It is important to recognize and comply with the applicable laws and regulations regarding the downloading and distribution of copyrighted material in your jurisdiction. This note does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such.

The plugin yt-dlp also offers the option to establish a range of defaults that it will automatically implement, including a preferred video format such as mkv, mp4, webm, etc. To create a configuration file that yt-dlp can use, enter supported commands into the configuration file. The config file can be loaded from the system (/etc/yt-dlp.conf), user configuration, home configuration, portable or main configuration.

Another way you can optimize your download process with yt-dlp is to use bashrc files. These files contain shell (command-line interface) settings for the Bash shell. The bashrc file is executed every time a new terminal session is opened, and it can be used to configure various settings and aliases for the shell. The bashrc file can be very useful for yt-dlp, because you can use it to set up aliases or shell functions that simplify the usage of yt-dlp. For example, you can create an alias that automatically downloads a video in your preferred format and quality by typing a single command in the terminal. This can save you time and make it easier to use yt-dlp regularly.

If you download and manage large amounts of data with yt-dlp, then a seedbox can be a fantastic solution. A seedbox is a remote VPS or dedicated server designed for anonymous download and upload of digital files, such as torrents, NZBs, videos, and music. Plus, since seedboxes are designed for downloading and uploading, they usually offer high speeds. 

For instance, you can remotely connect to your seedbox and use its powerful resources to download videos with yt-dlp. Seedboxes also offer streaming platforms like Plex or Kodi and other wonderful ways to manage your media collection. Plus, if you decide later to change the format, compress, or encode, seedboxes also come with robust media converters like Handbrake. You can later download all your media content easily with FTP or Sync protocols.

Although yt-dlp has many great features and characteristics that make it one of the best youtube downloaders, it also has a few disadvantages that you should know about. Here are some pros and cons of using yt-dlp.

A: yt-dlp offers additional features and options not available in youtube-dl. It also has an active development community that ensures that bugs are quickly fixed and new features are added. Check our previous section: Pros & Cons.

Just a quick PSA for people who, like me, are using yt-dlp to download and watch YouTube videos. You have probably noticed that YouTube made some changes on their end and now yt-dlp just prints ERROR: Unable to extract uploader id; and exits.

Opening a YouTube URL w/ MPC-BE (via Online media services > yt-dlp.exe) correctly "parses" the Description field by properly including any line breaks (returns/spaces), but a downloaded video file w/ yt-dlp doesn't show the line breaks (returns/spaces) in the Description field, but the same downloaded file does properly show the line breaks (returns/spaces) in the Comments field in VLC.

From yt-dlp GitHub:* Set "comment" field in video metadata using description instead of webpage_url,* handling multiple lines correctly

$ yt-dlp --parse-metadata "description:(?s)(?P.+)" --embed-metadata

Is this Description field a me problem, a yt-dlp problem, or a MPC-BE problem? But the downloaded file correctly shows the description info in VLC...

Thank you for any help that can lead to a solution.

Currently stuffing yt-dlp in the snap is worthless as its broken hence i removed yt-dlp for now reducing the snap size from 29mb to 14mb but some people may expect yt-dlp to work with celluloid snap ? hence in future we should consider fixng and adding yt-dlp support for celluloid snap.

After nearly seven decades on this planet, I know I'm easily confused. But isn't that url just pointing the lastest youtube-dl program which is then used to build the yt-dlp program itself which is at -dlp/yt-dlp/releases? Or have I got that wrong?

It used to download yt-dlp but when I just tried it, I am getting a 404. After looking at the install page - -dlp/yt-dlp#installation - it seems their link has changed. I will fix the link but the plugin should have never been downloading youtube-dl even though I was downloading to that filename.

yt-dlp is a youtube-dl ( -org/youtube-dl) fork based on the now inactive youtube-dlc ( -dlc). The main focus of this project is adding new features and patches while also keeping up to date with the original project

You can use --ignore-config if you want to disable all configuration files for a particular yt-dlp run. If --ignore-config is found inside any configuration file, no further configuration will be loaded. For example, having the option in the portable configuration file prevents loading of home, user, and system configurations. Additionally, (for backward compatibility) if --ignore-config is found inside the system configuration file, the user configuration is not loaded.

You may also want to configure automatic credentials storage for extractors that support authentication (by providing login and password with --username and --password) in order not to pass credentials as command line arguments on every yt-dlp execution and prevent tracking plain text passwords in the shell command history. You can achieve this using a .netrc file ( ) on a per-extractor basis. For that you will need to create a .netrc file in --netrc-location and restrict permissions to read/write by only you:

The simplest usage of -o is not to set any template arguments when downloading a single file, like in yt-dlp -o funny_video.flv " " (hard-coding file extension like this is not recommended and could break some post-processing).

Each aforementioned sequence when referenced in an output template will be replaced by the actual value corresponding to the sequence name. E.g. for -o %(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s and an mp4 video with title yt-dlp test video and id BaW_jenozKc, this will result in a yt-dlp test video-BaW_jenozKc.mp4 file created in the current directory.

Deprecation warning: Latest versions of yt-dlp can stream multiple formats to the stdout simultaneously using ffmpeg. So, in future versions, the default for this will be set to -f bv*+ba/b similar to normal downloads. If you want to preserve the -f b/bv+ba setting, it is recommended to explicitly specify it in the configuration options.

There are currently two release channels for binaries, stable and nightly. stable is the default channel, and many of its changes have been tested by users of the nightly channel. The nightly channel has releases built after each push to the master branch, and will have the most recent fixes and additions, but also have more risk of regressions. They are available in their own repo ( -dlp/yt-dlp-nightly-builds/releases).

Example usage: * yt-dlp --update-to nightly change to nightly channel and update to its latest release * yt-dlp --update-to stable@2023.02.17 upgrade/downgrade to release to stable channel tag 2023.02.17 * yt-dlp --update-to 2023.01.06 upgrade/downgrade to tag 2023.01.06 if it exists on the current channel * yt-dlp --update-to example/yt-dlp@2023.03.01 upgrade/downgrade to the release from the example/yt-dlp repository, tag 2023.03.01

There are bugs in ffmpeg that causes various issues when used alongside yt-dlp. Since ffmpeg is such an important dependency, we provide custom builds ( -dlp/FFmpeg-Builds#ffmpeg-static-auto-builds) with patches for some of these issues at yt-dlp/FFmpeg-Builds ( -dlp/FFmpeg-Builds). See the readme ( -dlp/FFmpeg-Builds#patches-applied) for details on the specific issues solved by these builds

.zip, .egg and .whl archives containing a yt_dlp_plugins namespace folder in their root are also supported as plugin packages. * e.g. ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/yt-dlp/plugins/ where contains yt_dlp_plugins//

See the yt-dlp-sample-plugins ( -dlp/yt-dlp-sample-plugins) repo for a template plugin package and the Plugin Development ( -dlp/yt-dlp/wiki/Plugin-Development) section of the wiki for a plugin development guide.

Tip: If you are porting your code from youtube-dl to yt-dlp, one important point to look out for is that we do not guarantee the return value of YoutubeDL.extract_info to be json serializable, or even be a dictionary. It will be dictionary-like, but if you want to ensure it is a serializable dictionary, pass it through YoutubeDL.sanitize_info as shown in the example below

Could you perhaps track how many connections are opened by yt-dlp to the server you're downloading from, with and without this option?

My guess is there is still the same number of TCP connections opened, and this option just enables multiple simultaneous downloads through that unique pipe. If that's the case, it'd be expected for MultiWAN to have no effect. ff782bc1db

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