I used to have an iPod Touch. It was great. It did everything I needed and I was happy to have a separate music player and mobile phone. But one day, Apple updated the software and after that Smart Playlists (ones that automatically update) stopped working on the device. The only way I could get the playlists to update was to sync with the computer and the iTunes database. It was largely due to this oversight/bug that when development on the Touch stalled (and my eyes needed a bigger screen) that I decided to jump over to Android rather than have an iPhone.

All of this may sound quite insignificant to many people, but I need music to work. I cannot work in peace and quiet, so having a music player that does what I want is important to me. That I can use my phone rather than PC also means that I get much better sound as I can use my Bluetooth speaker.

Music Player For Android

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Can someone recommend an Android music player that recognizes MP3Tag's Genre multi-tag format? For example: If an album that has a Genre tag like 'Classical\Opera' I want the album to show up in the Classical Genre list and the Opera Genre list.

Not, not really. You probably find this character in a column of the files list.

Have a look at the definition for "value" and you will probably see something


which means that the \\ are defined as separating characters but you could just as well take any other character. Foobar, I think, takes the semicolon as separator

The point I try to make: as there as so few players that actually the real multi-value fields, there are some players that interpret special characters in a single-value field as separator and display the items separated like that as individual items.

I know that e.g. WMP use the semicolon in ARTIST, GENRE, ALBUMARTIST and COMPOSER to create individual entries.

E.g. Stock; Aitken; Waterman would show an entry under A for Aitken, one under S for Stock and one under W for Waterman.

And all this without a multi-value field.

So it could be that there are other players around that do it like that.

And whatever the implementation would be: MP3tag can help you to set the right format.

General problem, i am unable to play music from the owncloud sync folder, because no music was found. When i take a look with a file explorer, the data is there.

I tried it with different music players wich are able to work with local files, but none see more than

I dont understand, when i download a mp3 from my owncloud instance, i can choose the download folder an play it from there, but i can only choose the top owncloud folder, but nothing within. Looks like my player is able to play local files, but cant read in the owncloud sync folder

After searching music apps who can access this files i see the only reason to make no update looks like to sell another music app who can do this (with money or ads or stealing my data). No functional stock music player on android, welcome back to the dark age of the waybearer. Thank you google that i have to pay to get access to my music+.

At this point, because i fdroid, i have to steal a player or go back to a native mp3player.

If you want this in order to listen to music or speech which you want to download manually then I don't know. But if you want this because you listen to podcasts and you're fine with downloading them via their RSS/Atom feeds, then I highly recommend the Podcast & Radio Addict app. It remembers your position in each podcast exactly the way you described, even shows the position as a small progress bar in the podcast list and provides tons of other features, such as the automatic download of the latest podcast episodes from RSS/Atom feeds that I mentioned (not restricted to podcasts that were set up to work with the app - any feed URL will do). It's free with ads or you can pay to remove the ads.

Update: reading comments below, very likely dedicated audio players have more for that, but VLC plays just about any audio or video file format you throw at it, and is cross-platform for consistency with desktops (incl Linux). It's a world of personal preferences and priorities. (A lot of my offline music was ripped from CDs twenty years ago on the old Microsoft WMA, that many current players don't even see.)

I just use a 3rd party File Manager app from the Google Play Store, which one should have anyway, as the default Google management has been awful up to v6, which I use. Many File Manager apps have music & video players built in & even sound equalizers built in. No need for a "special" music app if one doesn't need it to do streaming. Perfect for playing files from the internal or external SD card storage. And it's likely that one needs or could use a separate file manager app with better functions than usually come with the device.

I have my whole music library of 16,000 tracks on my phone and I use an app called Station Playlist Creator to make playlists for a variety of moods. PowerAmp handles them comfortably but you could just put tracks in folders and get PA to shuffle them if you felt my way was overkill.

I like the way many music players "discover" the SD card and in-built phone storage, allowing access by various criteria such as title, album, artist, and genre. That would be a nice feature for photo organizers. I wonder which ones do that?

If this player doesn't work, find a suitable one among the top 9 music players for Android : SoundCloud, Google Play Music, CloudPlayer, RocketPlayer, YouTube Music Player, Spotify Music, Phonograph Music Player, Shuttle Music Player, Poweramp

I haven't run into a player that doesn't support SD cards -just to encourage you to try them all, looking for other features you need. I've stored music only on SD cards for several/many years and have always found the software setting for that on various apps I've used, including those for subscription services.

I'll have to retire my Lumia 950 by the end of the year and have been starting to use Android since last year when I got a Sony XZ1 Compact. I've shopped for phones that have strong -to me- music and photo features. On the Sony, I have been using VLC satisfactorily, and I like that it plays a lot of WMA lossless files I have, which most others could not. I don't like that it doesn't have indexing, so that I have to scroll through all my songs to get to the one I want. With ~8000, it can be slow. Microsoft's own iterations have allowed tapping on the letter of the alphabet you're on to get an alphabet index and select an S, for instance, short-cutting the process.

I have a Galaxy Note 9 where I usually have music playing in Amazon Music Player in the background while I play games. In the old version of the OS (Samsung's version Android 8.1) when I am playing a game and an advert starts, it would pause the music, but I could just slide down the notification area and unpause it. Since the recent upgrade to Android 9 (again Samsung's version which it automatically upgraded to), I have to wait until the advert has finished before I can unpause the music. This is ultra annoying!

Music player apps have emerged as indispensable tools for music enthusiasts. Beyond offering high-quality audio and user-friendly interfaces, these apps curate your music library with intuitive organization, ensuring easy access to your favorite tunes. These apps provide a user-friendly interface to navigate through music files stored on the device, offering features such as playing individual tracks, creating playlists, organizing music by artists, albums, and genres, and adjusting audio settings like equalization and volume.

AIMP is a fairly powerful mobile music app. It supports common music file types, including mainstays like FLAC, MP3, MP4, and others. You also get a host of customization options, theming, and other fun stuff like that. The app has a simple UI, and we had no problems getting around and listening to music. It keeps it simple with a decent Material Design interface.

MediaMonkey is a bit of a dark horse in the music player apps business. It has a ton of features, including organizational features for things like audiobooks and podcasts and the ability to sort songs by things like composers (instead of just artists). It also has basic stuff like an equalizer.

Oto Music is a solid, minimal music player. You get an attractive, easy-to-use player with decent navigation and support for things like Chromecast and Android Auto. Additionally, the app comes with five widgets, gapless playback, a light and dark theme, tag editing, and support for normal and synced lyrics. You get all of that in an app package of about 5MB. There is even a Discord in case you want to speak to the developer.

Plexamp is probably your best bet for playing music not stored on your phone but also not streaming like Spotify. You set up your Plex server at home and then use this app to stream music from your computer to your phone. The app has a minimal, good-looking UI, and you can do things like downloading your songs to your phone temporarily for offline use.

Stellio is a surprisingly good music player. It supports the usual stuff like playlists, various views, and even various themes. You can also look up lyrics online, and they become available offline from that point forward. Other features include above-average audio codec support, widgets, customization settings, and extras like crossfade and a tag editor.

YouTube Music is technically a music streaming service, but you can also use it as a local music player. The app should ask you if you want to look at music on your device when you launch it. The UI is average at best, and most of its features revolve around its streaming platform.

USB Audio Player Pro is the king of its own niche. It works perfectly fine as an audio player for just about anybody. It comes with UPnP support, little extras like gapless playback, a 10-band EQ, and an attractive, functional UI. However, where this one really sings is for the audiophile crowd. The app supports up to 32-bit, 394kHz audio natively with support for FLAC, MQA, DSD, SACD, and a ton of other audio codecs. ff782bc1db

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