I have tested this, and WAV files saved as 32-bit float PCM load up as a single frame in TOonz. Not only that, but I noticed that TOonz WILL crash when you attempt to import 32-bit WAV files - after importing a 32bit WAV file, TOonz becomes confused, and no longer plays sounds when scrubbing the Xsheet. When I tried to drag a 16bit column past a 32bit single frame WAV column, TOonz crashes without exception.

Audio tracks in TOonz can be cut, pasted, dragged, trimmed, parts copied, and so on, and so forth. Scrubbing the timeline plays the sounds. Click on the column header and various options become available - for example, a volume slider. You may also suppress the audio ouput of a specific column for output and/or export.

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This guidance will help individuals to continue to benefit from audio-only telehealth by clarifying how covered entities can provide these services in compliance with the HIPAA Rules and by improving public confidence that covered entities are protecting the privacy and security of their health information.

While telehealth can significantly expand access to health care, certain populations may have difficulty accessing or be unable to access technologies used for audio-video telehealth because of various factors, including financial resources, limited English proficiency, disability, internet access, availability of sufficient broadband, and cell coverage in the geographic area. Audio-only telehealth, especially using technologies that do not require broadband availability, can help address the needs of some of these individuals.

The Guidance on How the HIPAA Rules Permit Health Plans and Covered Health Care Providers to Use Remote Communication Technologies for Audio-Only Telehealth may be found at: -professionals/privacy/guidance/hipaa-audio-telehealth/index.html.

Good morning friends, I already looked here on the forum for all possible solutions to the problem, but I was not successful, the problem is that when I export the video and open the .mp4 file it only reproduces the audio of the project. The business is already starting to get weird when I notice that the generated file is much less than an ordinary video file. I would appreciate a lot of help from you!

I've used Multi-cam a number of times and it's saved me a lot of time, but I've had to stop using it with my MXF footage as I can only get audio out of just one channel. I cannot see where I am going wrong as the settings seem the same as my earlier projects. I have tried leaving all four MXF channels and only having 2, but nothing seems to make any difference.

When I set up multi-cam with footage from my canon 550D, I sync using audio and point tracking to a 1. Previously that worked fine with my old Sony HVR Z1. Is there a problem as the audio is split between a1 and a2 (with the Z1, both recorded channels were on a1 alone).

Although the modified clip still plays balanced between left and right channels, all of a sudden only the right channel plays again in the multicam sequence and nothing is coming from the left channel, regardless of what I try in the 'modify' settings. I have even exported the audio into Au, created a mono clip and re-imported that clip back into the sequence. But even that only plays out of the right channel...

so basically whenever i record with game audio only (i do this a lot because i like to watch yt vids in the background of games) i notice that when i play it back the audio only plays in the left headphone. i know that my headphones work on the left and the right and when playing the game the audio works fully on the left and the right. i will post a clip showing that the audio is only on the left. idk what else to add to this so yeah

While it's true that it is possible to open an mp4 video file in audacity and then export as an audio file, it is possible to export audio directly from OpenShot. I understand why people thought it wasn't possible as selecting 'Audio Only' within the export options still creates a video file.

I use Premiere Pro to edit footage for YouTube videos. Up until now I haven't had any problems. Now, all of a sudden, when I bring my clips into PPro and try to add them to the timeline, only the first clip loads like it's supposed to. The 2nd and additional clips I try to add to the timeline only add the audio with no video.

"You are combining audio and video clips outside the primary story line. You cannot add video clips to existing audio only compound clips" I believe I got the message when I tried to just pull the photo down.

Can't do this now as I'm nearly out the door for an appointment. I'll try it tomorrow. But one thing I wondered - since I recorded the audio only by just putting on the lens cap, maybe I recorded audio and black for the video. However the timeline just looks like audio, not audio and video. I'll start over as soon as I can find the time.

My friend has uploaded 3 video's for me, she has an iPhone and I have a samsung. I need to download these video's so that I can edit them for a video we are creating but they will only download the audio when I have tried on both my phone and comp.

On my Desktop audio randomly started only going out one ear, well it goes out both but the left is half the volume. I use KDE so I balanced the audio in settings ( ) but it hasn't fixed it, the headphones work perfectly fine on my laptop (also running arch with KDE). The headphones also work on my computer when I plug them in (at a guess this is because this makes them show up as a different device)

Thanks. I called Verizon and was just told that from their pov the signal is fine, period. This has happened occasionally before, but only on one channel, and only for a day or so. I conferred with the folks at Best Buy and they think it's a FIOS issue, since I'm getting other channels, and streaming works fine in HD. (The TV is not under warranty, so they have no skin in the game.) We had lost internet at the same time that this started, I think related to some thunderstorms that we had just after July 4th so perhaps something happened then. The internet is back, but not the HD. Next step will be to get someone out from Verizon to look into this.

Podcasts do not offer a solution to either of the use-cases. In the first case, we want the audio to be in the context of the course. As they are reading their course page, there are contextual audio clips supporting the course content.

In our implementation, when we include the video in the course content, we also include "download mp3 / download" buttons next to it. It therefore sounds to me as if the solution is there for you too, all you need to do is offer all options when you embed the video (embed the video, but also provide a "listen to sound only" button, which links to the "play podcast" output of the session).

This would work for your second use case too (as I understand it, but I may be wrong!) - the "Play audio podcast" link from the settings/output page (Panopto/Podcast/StreamInBrowser/[VIDEOIDHERE].mp4?mediaTargetType=audioPodcast rather than simply Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=[VIDEOIDHERE])

Under Act 6 of 2021, Section 6, the Department of Financial Regulation is to work in consultation with the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA), the Green Mountain Care Board (GMCB), representatives of health care providers, health insurers, and other interested stakeholders to determine appropriate billing and payment codes or modifiers for audio-only telephone services; and reimbursement rates for audio-only telephone services for plan years 2022, 2023, and 2024.

On May 21, 2022, the Department met with stakeholders representing GMCB, DVHA, providers, insurers, and the Office of the Health Care Advocate and solicited proposals as to coding and reimbursement for audio-only telephone services for Plan Year 2023, beginning January 1, 2023. On June 24, 2022, the Department issued the final order setting coding and reimbursement for audio-only telephone services for Plan Year 2023. The final order and all public comment received by the Department is available on this page.

WHEREAS, the Department solicited and received proposals from interested parties, including the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA), Cigna, MVP Health Care, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont, and the Coalition of Health Care Associations as to coding and reimbursement for audio-only telephone services.

Health insurance plans shall provide reimbursement for audio-only telephone services billed using accepted CPT language and definitions including both CPT codes for in-person services and telephone-specific E/M codes.

The V3 modifier should not be used with telephone-specific E/M codes.

Commercial health insurance plans may additionally reimburse audio-only telephone claims with a V4 modifier to allow differential reimbursement.

Plans may only use differential reimbursement for audio-only services, as provided in subparagraph b below.

Plans may not reimburse different provider types differently for performing the same service.

Visits initiated in good faith over audio/visual telemedicine which switch to audio-only for any reason shall be reimbursed according to 8 V.S.A.  4100k(a)(2)(A).

This Order shall remain effect until December 31, 2023, or until rescinded or superseded by further order of the Commissioner.

This Order shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Vermont.

I am building an audio player/podcast player web app. Clearly, I will be playing a lot of audio. I do not intend to play any video. The only component to play the audio, however, is the video component. That's not necessarily a big problem, since it plays audio-only content just fine. The problem is that the big rectangle where the actual video would normally be displayed is always showing like a blank screen. The bigger problem is that, since I cannot put other components on top of it, it just takes up real estate in my app that I can never use.

Is there any way to force the audio to play from both channels? I export my video and when I listen in headphones the audio only comes out of one side. I tried just copying the audio and pasting it on track 2 but that didn't seem to work. Thanks! 17dc91bb1f

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