
We focus on constructing DNA-based molecular devices and artificial molecular systems composed of multiple molecular devices based on DNA nanotechnology. We combine DNA nanotechnology and other techniques such as chemical modification of DNA, lipid vesicle technology, biophysical phenomena, and molecular computing. The ultimate goal of our study is to construct artificial molecular systems that are comparable or beyond living systems, i.e., cells. It will enable us to understand the border of life and materials and provide new techniques for tiny-sized engineering.

DNA nanotechnology

DNA is generally recognized as genetic material. On the other hand, DNA can be used as an engineering material at a molecular scale. Thanks to specific Watson-Crick base pairing, we can design DNA interaction, enabling us to construct designed-nanostructures, microstructures, and computing devices. We are using DNA to develop molecular devices and to investigate biophysical phenomena.

reference papers

Liquid-liquid phase separation of sequence-designed DNA nanostructures: Yusuke Sato Tetsuro Sakamoto, Masahiro Takinoue*, “Sequence-based engineering of dynamic functions of micrometer-sized DNA droplets”, Science Advances 6, eaba3471 (2020)

Construction of patterned DNA hydrogels: Yu Kasahara#, Yusuke Sato#, Marcos Masukawa, Yukiko Okuda, Masahiro Takinoue*, “Photolithographic shape control of DNA hydrogels by photo-activated self-assembly of DNA nanostructures”, APL Bioengineering, 4, 016109 (2020)  (#equal contribution)

Phase-separated DNA hydrogel capsules: Yusuke Sato*, Masahiro Takinoue*, “Capsule-like DNA Hydrogels with Patterns Formed by Lateral Phase Separation of DNA Nanostructures”, JACS Au 2, 159-168 (2022).

Purification method for hydrophobic DNA nanostructures:Shoji Iwabuchi, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura*, Yusuke Sato*, “Surfactant-Assisted Purification of Hydrophobic DNA Nanostructures”,  ChemBioChem 24, e202200568 (2023)

Molecular Robotics

We aim to construct molecular robots that function autonomously and do some tasks. Particularly, our interest is to create a cell-like molecular robot. To this end, we need to develop new functional molecular devices and establish a way to integrate the molecular devices as a system. 

reference papers

Amoeba-type molecular robots: Yusuke Sato, Yuichi Hiratsuka, Ibuki Kawamata, Satoshi Murata, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura*, “Micrometer-sized molecular robot changes its shape in response to signal molecules”, Science Robotics 2, eaal3735 (2017)

Isothermal signal DNA amplification in cell-sized lipid vesicles  Yusuke Sato*, Ken Komiya, Ibuki Kawamata, Satoshi Murata, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura*, "Isothermal amplification of specific DNA molecules inside giant unilamellar vesicles", Chemical Communications, 55, 9084-9087 (2019)

Environment-dependent self-assembly of DNA nanostructures: Yusuke Sato, Masayuki Endo, Masamune Morita, Masahiro Takinoue, Hiroshi Sugiyama, Satoshi Murata, Shin-ichiro M. Nomura, Yuki Suzuki*, “Environment-dependent self-assembly of DNA origami lattices on phase-separated lipid membranes”, Advanced Materials Interfaces 5, 1800437 (2018)