Microscope with Motorized Stage and Auto Shutter System (RGB fluorescent imaging)
Optical Tweezer
Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (coming soon)
High Performance Liquid Chromatography (autosampler, fraction collector, photodiode array)
Microvolume Spectrometer/Fluorescence meter
Thermal Cycler (3 machines)
Centrifuge machine (with temperature controller) (2 machines)
Centrifugal Concentrator (Mini)
Flow Cytometer
Fluorescence gel imager (four channel fluorescence)
Centrifugal Concentrator
Ultrapure water system
Stage heater for the microscope (Peltier control)
Deep freezer (–80 °C)
Gel electrophoresis sets (for PAGE and Agarose gel...)
3D printer
We also have access to University core facilities (Ultracentrifuge, TEM, SEM, etc...)