f someone was to bump on you and asked you what is Nairobi play,I don't know what would come to your mind first ...will you think of narratives or game plays in Nairobi or even a weird thought like dramas anyway if this is the case then you need this article to be up to speed with this amazing Nairobi play project .

To start-off ,Its sagacious if we get to know what this (Nairobi Play Project) initiative is all about ,The Nairobi Play Project seeks to be the leading initiative in matters integration of refugees and migrants into the economic, social and cultural fabric of Kenya and other countries in the growing crisis.

Nairobi Play Project Team has in mind that Most affected by integration on the reasons given above are the refugee youth, whose alienation and marginalization has led to unemployment, poverty and idleness. There are too few initiatives which equip them with the skills and opportunities to secure better living conditions and gainful employment. Moreover, many refugee education programs are poorly designed. The curriculum found is primarily theoretical, with little priority placed on practical knowledge and life skills that are critical for the survival of refugee youth. When settling in new countries, it’s imperative that education programs are designed to promote community-building and integration, rather than siloed initiatives which can foster tension, xenophobia and a lack of empathy from host communities.

NPP developed a unique curriculum that utilizes tools such as scratch ,makey makey and empathy toys for youths from different diverse community aged from 13 yrs-18 yrs who are supposed to learn and work together towards creating a game that tackles community based issues related to the United Nations Sustainable Goals (SDG’S).

Nairobi Play Project under the leadership of Ariam Mogos(Global Project Lead),Sham Petros(Project Lead-Kenya) ,Sarah Giffin(Curriculum Development Lead ),Alex Wafula(Professional Development Coach) and Ian Arawjo(Researcher) who are excellent educators and who I would call (Educators of all time) currently have partnered with Xavier Project(XP) on this great initiative in about 6 centers that Xp manages namely Tamuka Kivuli & umoja ,:Lafrikana ,SIR,URISE,SAVIC(kakuma) -Kenya .

From our Youth Voices News Desk Congratulate Nairobi Play Project,UNICEF KENYA and Xavier Project on this great Initiative.

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Written By ishimwemarie/YVN